I Want You Back

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A/N: OMG last chapter😢😢

Maddie POV

My phone went off. Put I couldn't reach it. His ass would put it on the top shelf. This motherfucker. I sighed. I wondered who it was. I knew it wasn't Prince though. The bell rung and I went to Jason's room. When ever that bell rings I move. I clean cook be raped. I feel like a slave it's just I'm working inside instead of outside. I walked up to his room and opened the door.

Jason: o yea you can come in. Don't nobody knock no more.

Maddie: nigga you called me.

Jason stood up walking towards me. He grabbed my arm pushing me on the wall holding my neck.

Jason: who is you talking to?! Cuz I know damn sure it ain't me. Watch your mouth.

He let go off me and I feel to the ground.

Jason: bitch get up and give me so head.

I coughed and went to him. Sitting i front of him. I hate this.

Princeton POV

I went to all Maddie's favorite places. Not one of them she was there. I went to her hang out spot. Nobody was there. I thought off all the places Maddie could have been. As wasn't there. I grew impatient. Where the fuck was she? I thought harder. She has to be taken. I thought of only one place. We're we found Anna and Maddie. I drove to that place. Nothing looked out of the ordinary. But I got a bad vibe. Next thing you know I was inside looking around. "Ah Fuck" I heard someone groan from the walls. Oh someone's here. I know that. I listened as it counties. I didn't hear Maddie's voice. I countied to listen. "Am I done now?" Another voice said. "Since you ask.. No. Get on the table NOW!" Next thing you know I heard screams and cries for help. I couldn't figure out if It was Maddie or not. The walls made the voice sound alittle different. I contacted the police. Even though it might not be Maddie i don't Just wanna leave this lady her to suffer. But something caught my attention when I got off the phone. "Why are you so mad about high school? I mean it's high school. That happened over 10 years ago. I dropped James over 15 years ago" I froze. Was that Maddie! It had to be! "James is my best friend. He really liked you. Even though you guys were just fuck buddy's he wanted to be more and when you dropped him so quickly he was mad which made me mad and I promised I would get you back for that."

Maddie POV

I was so confused on why most of the drama in my life was about James. I decided to ask.

Maddie: Why are you so mad about high school? I mean it's high school. That happened over 10 years ago. I dropped James over 15 years ago"

Jason: James is my best friend. He really liked you. Even though you guys were just fuck buddy's he wanted to be more and when you dropped him so quickly he was mad which made me mad and I promised I would get you back for that.

I didn't say anything back. I mean I would do the same thing you know get that person back just not over 15 YEARS LATER! I sighed walking away back to my room. I sat in my room doing nothing! I just thought. About everything in my life. Started with meeting James in high school remembering how fine I thought he was and how much I wanted him. To fucking him. To meeting Prince. I remembered feeling sparks going around us as he talked to me. I remembered getting lost into his eyes. I remembers everything about that day. That was the best day of my life. To dropping James. I remembered the sad look on his face. Which made me fell bad. To going to college. I remembered showing up in the first day ready to dance and party. I remembered me Taylor and Nia sharing a room and all the fun times we had. I remembered the hard times I went through with grade dance Bella and Prince. Bruh Long Distance was the struggle! To moving in with Prince. I remembered the boxes we had to unpack and the Christmas we shared. To the LA Laker girls and all that drama. And meeting Rockelle. To finding out I was pregnant with Issy. I remembered how scared and happy I was and how excited Prince was. How he would feel my tummy 24/7. To giving birth thinking I was going to die. To bring Issy home and her saying her first words and taking her first steps. To me getting pregnant with the twins to meeting James again. To finding out me and Prince were cheating on Each other. To almost losing my princeton charm- my thoughts were cut off by someone screaming. "The fuck! Let go of me!" What was going on. I tried opening to door but it was locked. I started banging on the door loud.


I banged harder. "Hello is someone in there?" Someone spoke threw the door.


"Ok we are going to get you out stay back" I instantly go to the bed sitting on the bed "1,2,3" the guy called and I heard a bang on the door. They did it again. It took 3 hits and the door bust open. My phone fell off the shelf and I grabbed it's the police busted into the room. We rushed out the place running actually. Jason set off a bomb. As soon as we came out BOOM! Me and a couple of other police man flew then Fell on the floor. The police man got up and I started to get up and I heard my name being called. A person grabbed my arms helping me up. These arms I felt before. These arms we strong and soft. These arms I knew exactly who it was. He pulled me up and I slowly raised my head to see exactly who I thought it was.

Maddie: why are you here? I thought you said th(gco)

He kissed me. I felt his soft plumped lips on mine. The perfect fit of my lips. I Shutup quickly and kissed back. His arms rapped around my waist and I rapped mine around his neck.

Prince: Forget What I Said. I Want You Back.
________The End________

Next Chapter is the Epilogue.What Yall think of the sequel to My Little Misfit Across The World? Did you like it? Did you like the ending? Let me know in the comments! Check out my other books. A new book will go up soon! Comment! Vote! Love Yall Stay Mindless!!

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