Chapter 16

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L Corp Lab

"Thank you for meeting up with us Lina." Kara said giving a hug to her friend, Lina Luther.

"It's no trouble at all." Lina said in her soothing British toned voice. After breaking up the hug Lina's attention immediately fell onto Barry. "And who may this be?"

She approached Barry with a big smile and held her hand out, "Lina Luther."

Kara saw the look Lina was giving Barry and she didn't like it.

Barry smiled and went up to shaker her hand, "Nice to meet you my name is Bar-"

"Barry Allen!" Kara yelled out quickly, going up to him, and wrapping her arm around his. She released she had blurted out his name so she cleared her throat and tried again, "His name is Barry Allen. He is a friend from out of town."

Lina looked at Kara and noticed the look she was giving her. A look only recognizable between women, so Barry didn't understand what was going on at the moment. Lina got the hint and backed off from Barry.

"Oh. Well it's really nice to meet you Barry." She said before turning her attention back to Kara, "So what can I do for you Kara, it sounded like it was really important over the phone."

"It is." Kara said letting go of Barry once she saw Lina's attention off of him, "It's actually for Supergirl."

Kara took out her interdimensional extrapolator from her pocket and handed it to Lina.

"Where did she get that. I've never seen such craftsmanship. Who ever built this must have been a genius." Lina said as she admired the device, "Looking at this I would say it some sort of interdimensional doorway. Kara do you know what you could with this? You could open gate ways to any location on Earth, bend time and space, prove the existence of the multiverse theory!"

"Yeah that is very exciting. Can you fix it? Supergirl says it urgent; she has a friend that is trapped on our Earth and she needs to help him get back." Kara said.

"No? I can't fix this, the design is not mine. I don't understand where everything is suppose to go." Lina told her with a sad tone.

"Oh no." Kara said disappointed.

"But there is one thing I can do. I have some old blueprints for an interdimensional cannon that I never completed because I couldn't figure out how to get it to work."

"Do you think you could build it?"

"Most of the missing information I needed is right here. I can use this device as a sorta cheat sheet for my own device." Lina said giving Kara hope.

"Really! How long will it take you to build it."

"Most of it is already built, I just need to get it out from my old storage unit. I could get it to you by tomorrow morning."

"You are the best Lina." Kara said hugging her tightly. Letting go of her, Kara turned her attention to Barry, "You hear that Barry. Barry?"

"Woah! Dude! Is this an Electron De-Quantifier! How did you get an Electron De-Quantifer! I've never seen one in my life! Kara look! It's an Electron De-Quantifer!" Barry yelled in excitement as he ran over, at a normal pace, to the very expensive equipment to examine it up close.

"Barry don't touch anything!" Kara said trying sound serious, but broke out into a giggle.

Lina joined in on Kara laugher.

"I'm sorry Lina, he is very into this kind of science stuff." Kara apologized before going back to watching Barry, "He's so cute when he gets all excited."

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