Chapter 23

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Earth 1 - Arrow Cave

"And I ran out of L Corp, disguised as The Flash, and was able to slip right through Overgirl. I ran into a little trouble with Eobard Thawne, but nothing I couldn't handle. I was able to reach the breach just in time and now I'm here." Kara said finishing the story of how she escaped Earth 38.

Kara had been retelling the events that just happened right before she left Earth 38, at the same Barry was telling Mon El and Winn. The only difference between there explanations to was that, unlike Barry, Kara left out the part about her kissing Barry.

"Wow. It seems like you two have been through a lot." Oliver told her, he placed a hand on her shoulder and looked at her, "How about you go to my place and rest up. We'll be right here waiting for Barry to come back, ok. We'll call you if we get anything."

Normally Kara wouldn't have accepted this offer, she would have liked to stay and help in some way, but she was too tired to not accept, "Thanks Oliver. I'll be back as soon as I'm recharged. Clark you want to come with?"

"Thanks for the offer, but I think I'd like to say here and see if I can help in any way." Clark told her.

"Suit yourself. I'll be back soon." Kara said.

She gave him a smile as she stood up and made her way to the elevator.

"Um... Kara?" Oliver said stopping her, "Don't you think you should change?"

Kara suddenly remembered that she was still wearing The Flash suit, "Oh yeah. Kind of forgot that I was still wearing this."

Kara sped over to one of the manikins and placed the suit on it. She was now back in her Supergirl suit, which she was hiding under The Flash suit.

"How about I escort you to our home?" Felicity offered.

"No I'll do it!" Catiline suddenly shouted for no apparent reason.

Everyone was staring at her, she had no idea why she offered to take Kara, but something inside her had made her say it.

"Well ok. Here's the key, help yourselves to anything in the fridge." Oliver said handing the key to Catiline.

"Except for that last blueberry yogurt, that's mine." Felicity said using two figures to point to herself.

"Thanks you guys." Kara said as she and Catiline left the Arrow Cave.

Earth 38 - D.E.O Prison Center

Barry sat in his cell staring at the ceiling with his arms behind his head.

"So let me see if I got this all right, you slept with Kara?" Winn said holding up a finger as a way to keep count.

"Dude, don't say it like that." Barry told Winn.

"Fine. You layed in bed with Kara, in a non sexual way."

"You took her out on multiple dates.", Mon El chimed in adding another finger to Winn's list.

"We just hung out.", Barry defended himself.

"You never once left her side." Winn said adding a third finger.

"That's not true, she went to the bathroom couple of times.", Barry said.

"You asked her to be your girlfriend." Mon El continued.

"It was for a sundae." Barry explained.

"She asked you to buy her a rose, and you did." Winn said taking his turn.

"She was playing around." Barry continued his act.

"She cried for you." Winn continued to add.

"She probably had something in her eyes." Barry said realizing his excuses were getting weirder and less convincing.

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