Chapter 20

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National City Streets

Overgirl continued rain down destruction onto National City. She would continue to blast building apart with her heat vision and watch as they crumble down onto the civilians.

"That's enough Overgirl!" Supergirl said, finally exposed herself.

"It's about damn time you came out of hiding. I was starting to get bored of watching these weaklings run around in circles, scared for their lives." Overgirl told her.

"Well it's time for you to stop." Supergirl told her as she placed her fists on her hips.

"Not until we finish the rest of the synchronization process." Overgirl said as she pressed a button on her device and had the same mechanical cord come out from before.

The cord fired itself at Supergirl, but she caught it in her hand. She yanked on it which caused Overgirl to go with it. As Overgirl came in reach of Supergirl, Supergirl swung her fist at Overgirl's face. The impact sent her flying into a building.

As Overgirl recovered she rubbed her jaw, which was the place Supergirl hit her, and smiled, "Finally. A real fight."

With that Overgirl charged at her.

Superman and Lina on L Corp's Roof

"Everything is all set, just pull down the lever down at exactly 12:15, that's when the satellite will be in position." Lina told Superman.

"We got it." Superman informed her.

"Also since we are stretching the signal over a large distance you'll only get a couple of seconds before it closes." Lina informed Superman.

"Thank you for all your help Lina." Superman laid a hand on her shoulder and gave her one of his world famous smiles, "I have to admit. It's strange to receive help from my arch nemeses' sister."

"Well it's my pleasure. Someone needs to try to save our family's name." Lina commented. "You know that this plan is ridiculous right. There is no way this is going to work."

"It has too. We can't let them get their hands on Supergirl." Superman told her as he looked to the sky and saw Overgirl and Supergirl fighting.

"But doesn't the Flash know the risks he's taking. The sacrifice he's making." Lina said as she placed a hand on top of Superman's.

"Trust me. He's completely aware of what is to happen to him if he goes through with this stunt." Superman responded.

"He really cares about her. About Supergirl."

"Yeah he does."

"Are they, like a thing?"

"I think so. She's my cousin and I know for a fact that she has a strong connection to the Flash."

"And what about the Flash, do you think he shares the same feeling for her."

Superman looked at the ground with a frown, "If you ask me, definitely. If you ask anyone they'll tell you the same thing. But if you ask him, he'll never admit to it."

"Why? Does he have a hard time expressing his feelings?"

"No. There is someone else in his life."

"Oh." Lina said with a little bit of disappointment in her voice, "That's hard to hear. I was kind of rooting for them. Go Superflash!"

Superman chuckled, "What did you call them?"

"Superflash!" Lina laughed, "Flash and Supergirl together. It's the name I gave them. What you think?"

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