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Yoongi's POV

I always knew I was different from the other kids. I would much rather stay to myself, than to socialize in any way, form, or fashion. I hardly played outside. I was more of an indoor person. My family never really liked having me around. My mother is a lawyer, my father is a doctor, and my brother is the typical school jock. Me? Well I'm basically the black sheep of my family. My mother locks me in my room for days at a time, and if I have school she lets me out to leave. But as soon as I come home I get sent straight to my room. My father loves to use me as his personal punching bag. Sometimes he likes to bring scaples home from work just to make me cry in pain. In all honesty I'm suprised I've lived this long. The majority of the time my main meals come from the school. The only times I get fed at home is if its scraps, or when my parents are feeling generous. My brother wasn't as bad as my parents, but he's still a cruel fucker. At school he takes pride in bullying me along with the rest of the football team, and the cheerleaders. I'm a nobody, unless I'm being beat. In all honesty I've become numb to all the pain. I honestly have no idea why I get up in the morning. If I were to ever kill myself no one would miss me. I would be doing my family a favor, because to them I'm just another mouth to feed and something to take up space. I want my hell to end. I'm tired of being kicked around, and talked down to. Everytime I think of ending it all I get this feeling in the pit of my stomach. It's like I'm waiting for something. I don't know what exactly, but it must be pretty important. It's kinda the only thing that keeps my head up high. It gives me hope. Hope for a change.

It's currently Saturday morning, and I'm waiting on my mother hand and foot. It's her day off, which means I'm her slave for the day. I was bringing her some of her daily medication when I overheard her talking on the phone. I then decided to listen. She never yells for me when she's on the phone, because she doesn't want anyone to know that she has another son. Basically I've been a disgrace since the day I was born as she says.
"Oh Angie! Please come over for dinner tonight! You and your family are new! Who knows? Maybe your daughter will be interested in my son!" She squealed in delight. Angie? Daughter? What? Are these people from America? Well they must be. Angie is not a Korean name, so they must be from America. It intrigued my interest, so I decided to listen further. "Angie, I know Daegu is different from America, but trust me you'll fit in in no time. Everything will be fine. Don't worry about a thing girl! So I'll see you tonight? Great! See you then!" She then hung up the phone and squealed.
"YOONGI! WHERE'S MY MEDICINE!?" She yelled five seconds later. I quickly grabbed it, and a glass of water on the table. I quickly walked towards her, and handed her the medicine. "Yoongi, there's going to be someone coming for dinner. I want you to stay in your room, and don't come out for any reason. Do you understand?" She asked, and gave me an irritated expression.
"Yes, Mother." I said softly.
"Good boy. Now fetch me some tea." She said as she changed the TV channel. I then sighed and left the room.

The guests will be here any minute, so I'm making my way up to my room. My family is in the kitchen getting everything ready, so I'm sitting at the top of the stairs. I want to catch a glimpse of this family. Moments later the doorbell interrupted my thoughts. I made sure no one could see me as I gazed at the front door. In walked a short man, with curly blond hair. He had rather tan skin, so tan that it looked burned. Then a woman walked in with bleached blond hair. She had rather pale skin, and her clothing was a little big on her. She looked like she dressed for comfort, which I don't blame her. Then a young girl walked in. She had dyed black hair. You could tell it was dyed, because you could see her natural hair color at her roots. Her eyes looked like they were 3 different colors. Blue, green, and grey. She wore glasses with dark purple rims, and she was dressed in black from head to toe. She even wore a chocker around her neck. I could tell that my mother didn't like her, but put up with her because she was friends with her mother. Suddenly another young girl walked in. She too had rather pale skin, but she was wear some light makeup. She had chestnut brown hair, and some nice hazel eyes. I hope she doesn't end up with my brother. She looks like a sweet girl, and I'd hate for my brother to ruin her.
"Angie! Your family is beautiful! Do you mind introducing them to my husband and son?" My mother squealed in delight.
"This is my husband, Shawn, my twin girls Shay and Sami, and I'm Angelia." She said with a smile.
"They are twins?" My father asked with an eye brow raised.
"We're fraternal twins." The darked hair one said. I then heard the other whisper to her.
"Shay, you remember what mother said. We have to be on our best behavior." Shay then gave her sister a sad expression. "I know you don't want to be here, but please try to have some fun." Sami then gave her a hopeful smile. Shay then smiled at her sister. I felt butterflies in my stomach. I've never really been attracted to another human in any way, but this girl is special. Sami turned her attention back to my mother. Shay quickly turned her attention to the stair case. She caught my gaze, and smiled. She then turned to my mother.
"Ma'am, can I use your restroom?" She asked sweetly.
"Well of course! It's upstairs. First door on your left." She said with a smile.
"Thank you." She said, and made her way up the stairs. I then tried to make a get away to my room, but she grabbed my shirt before I could leave. I then turned to face her. She smiled at me. "Why are you up here?"
"My family told me to stay in my room. They don't like for people to know I exist." I said sadly. Her smile then fell.
"What's your name?"
"Min Yoongi." She then smiled, and stuck out her hand.
"Well Min Yoongi, I'm Lee Shay. It's nice to meet you." I then smiled. For the first time in a long time I smiled. I then shook her hand. It was very soft. I could tell that this was the begining of something incrediable.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this! Leave me a comment to let me know how I am doing! Stay strong my beautiful readers, keep dreaming, I love you all, and I will update soon.-Coolcat51

When Killers Fall in Love (16+) #wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now