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Taemin's POV

We pulled up to the warehouse, and practically jumped out of the car. We then dashed inside, but made sure to stay together. It didn't take long to find Shay, and then we ran to her. We helped her untie her hands, and then we all gave her hugs. She then gave us a sad smile.
"I appreciate you guys coming, but I have to take care of Yoongi myself." My jaw dropped at her words.
"Shay no way. We are coming with you." I argued, and she shook her head.
"Yoongi is this way because of me, and now I have to be the one to finish this. Please trust me." I then looked over to Sami, and she nodded. I then sighed deeply.
"Ok, but we'll be down the hall in case it goes south." She then gave me a sad smile.
"Thank you." She then turned to Namjoon. "I need to borrow your gun." His eyes then widened.
"Are you sure?" He asked.
"It's the only way." He then nodded, and gave her his gun. We then made our way down the hallway, and followed Shay close behind. I still have a very bad feeling about all this.

Shay's POV

I stepped into the room as quiet as I could, and tucked the gun in the back of my pants.
"Yoongi?" I called, and his head shot in my direction.
"You freed yourself?" He asked, and I nodded. I didn't want him to know anyone else was here.
"Yoongi, we need to get you some help." He then gave me a look that gave me creepy chills.
"No. There's nothing left for me in this world. My family never loved me, and now I've lost the only real family I've ever had." He said in a cold tone.
"It doesn't have to end here. Don't you want to help me raise our baby?" He then shook his head.
"That kid is better off without me. I wouldn't know how to love it anyway." I felt my cheat tighten at his words.
"Yoongi, please. Don't leave me like this." Suddenly something dropped, and I saw Namjoon behind me. He had knocked over something, and it broke the glass door. Yoongi then stood up, and pointed the gun at me.
"I should've known we were alone." Before he could press the trigger I pulled out the gun, and shot him in the chest. He then gave me a surprised look before falling to the floor, and dropping the gun in the process. I then ran over to him, and pulled him into my lap. Tears were rolling down my face once again.
"I didn't want things to end this way." I sobbed, and he gave me a smile. He the placed his hand over mine.
"I didn't either, but this needed to be done." He said, and then coughed.
"I love you." I whispered, but before he could respond I felt the life leave his body. The first real love I've ever had, and I had to kill him. God fate is a bitch.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this! Leave me a comment to let me know how I am doing! Stay strong my beautiful readers, keep dreaming, I love you all, and I will update soon.-Coolcat51

When Killers Fall in Love (16+) #wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now