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Yoongi's POV

That night I didn't go home at all. Sami, Taemin, Shay, and I all rode to their house in Shay's car. It took about 15 minutes to get there from the school. They live closer than I do. Shay parked her car, and we all got out. She unlocked the door, and we all entered. The house was nothing special. It has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a kitchen, a living room, and a dinning room.
We all then walked up stairs. The doors were labelled. One bedroom was for their parents, one was Taemin's, and then Sami and Shay shares a room. On bathroom was for the boys, and the other one was for the girls.
"Why are the bathrooms based on gender?" I asked.
"So that way the boys keep it their way, and the girls keep it our way. So that way no arguments over leaving the seat up, or hair in the sink, or anything like that." Sami explained. I then nodded. That actually makes sense, then again these guys seem like they have the perfect family. The family my parents wished we were. We all went into Sami and Shay's room.
"Lets watch a movie!" Sami exclaimed. She then hopped off her bed, and over to a bookcase filled with DVDs. Taemin sat on Sami's bed, and I sat on Shay's bed. Shay took all of the backpacks, and placed them in the corner of the room. Then came and sat beside me on the bed.
"Won't her parents hate the noise?" I asked.
"Mom is gone to the market, and Dad is at work." Shay answered while laying down on the bed. When she layed down I got a good look at her body. She had rather large breasts which had to be at least a C cup. She is very curvy. Her neck is rather short, but at the same time beautiful. She has rather large calf muscles, but I find it rather sexy. I then shook those thoughts out of my head. I barely know her, and she wants to be my friend. I can't ruin this. This is my one shot to be happy.
"Taeminie! What movie!?" Sami exclaimed.
"I don't know!" He exclaimed as he flopped back on the bed.
"How about a comedy?" I asked. Shay then scoffed.
"Boring!" She shouted, as she sat up.
"Then what's your idea smartass?" Sami snapped.
"Horror movie." Shay said with a smirk.
"I don't think thats a good idea Noona." Taemin said with an innocent expression.
"I second that. Taemin gets nightmares from horror movies." Shay then huffs in annoyance.
"Killjoys." Then fell back on her bed. Not too long later Sami chose Captain Marval. It was then decided to do a Marval movie marathon, until their parents got home. After 6:00 we had dinner. Their father came in at 7:00. He was as drunk as a skunk. He then laid on the couch, and passed out.
"Sorry you had to see that Yoongi." Shay said.
"He does this whenever it's payday." Sami added. A few hours later we went to bed. I snuck into the girls room. I walked over to Shay's bed, and just watched her. She's so beautiful even when she's asleep. I then got too bold, and wanted to be close to her. I got into her bed, and snuggled up to her. It didn't take long for her to snuggle into my chest. I smelt her shampoo, and it smelled like chocolate. I smiled and drifted to sleep with her in my arms. If only I could hold her like this forever.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this! Leave me a comment to let me know how I am doing! Stay strong my beautiful readers, keep dreaming, I love you all, and I will update soon.-Coolcat51

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