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Shay's POV 

It's been 2 days since Yoongi attacked me. I honestly don't know how to face him again. He sleeps on the couch, and is always gone by morning. I still love him, but at the same time I have no idea what to do. I still love Yoongi, but at the same time I wonder if all of this stress has taken a toll on him. We left the only life he's ever really known to come here, and I wonder if it was a bad decision. Lately I'll lay in bed for hours at a time. I honestly feel disgusted with myself. Yoongi was going to rape me, but instead I have it to him. I get sick at my stomach just thinking about it. He was crying, and I felt bad for him so it kinda happened. I hate myself for it, but after that Yoongi started sleeping on the couch. It honestly makes me wonder if I'm good enough for Yoongi anymore. I then heard a knock on my door, and when I opened it I found my sister. "What's wrong?" She asked. I haven't told her about what Yoongi did. I've been too afraid to. I even covered my bruises with makeup to keep from raising suspicion.
"Nothing's wrong, Sami." 
"That's bullshit, and you know it. I'm your twin. I feel your pain after all." She reminded me. I then let her in, and we both took a seat on my bed. "Now whats going on?" She asked. I then sighed deeply. 
"When I show you please don't freak out." I then got up, and got a wash cloth out of the bathroom. When I came back I washed off the makeup, and Sami gasped in horror at my bruised and swollen cheek.
"Shay, did Yoongi do that to you?" She asked while gritting her teeth in anger. 
"Yes." I said as I lowered my head in shame. 
"He was jealous. He won't do it again." I pleaded.
"Shay, what all did he do?" 
"He...He hit me several times..." She studied my face, and asked another question. 
"What else did he do?" I stared at the print on my bed covers while I answered her. 
"He tried to rape me." I said. It was barely audible. I felt tears run down my cheeks, and then felt my sister hug me tightly. 
"We need to call the agents back Shay." 
"No! We can't!" I begged, and she pulled away while giving a concerned look. 
"Shay, what if he tries to do it again? He did this over jealousy, who knows what his excuse will be next time!?" She wasn't shouting because she was mad at me. She just upset that Yoongi would do this considering he knows our past.
"I  can't turn him in Sami." I said weakly.
"Why not?" 
"Because I love him." My voice then broke, and tears fell down my pale cheeks again. 
"Shay, Yoongi needs help. Please. If you won't do it for me, or for you, then do it for Taemin. He need us. Both of us. Its bad enough we lost Mom, so please don't leave us too." She begged. I then sighed deeply.
"Ok, but lets not tell Yoongi. Lord knows what he'll do when he finds out I've betrayed him." I then whipped my eyes, and Sami held my hand while giving me a sad smile. 
"You're doing the right thing, Shay." 
"I hope so."

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this! Leave me a comment to let me know how I am doing! Stay strong my beautiful readers, keep dreaming, I love you all, and I will update soon.-Coolcat51

When Killers Fall in Love (16+) #wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now