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Yoongi's POV

I'm sitting in a bar. Several girls come up to me, and keep buying me drinks. I let them, until I can get the courage to call Shay. I hate being so distance from her, and it kills me that I hurt her. She is the only reason I'm still....sane if thats even what I am. Lately I don't feel like it as much. After what I did to Shay I've been having nightmares. Nightmares that make me never want to sleep. I keep dreaming that she's laying in a hospital bed, and its all because of me. That she's bleeding to death, and its all my fault. I'm not really sure how its meant to be my fault, or how she got in that state but it doesn't make me feel any less shitty. I then sigh to myself, and open my phone. I have a voice message, and its from Shay. I quickly put the phone to my ear. It was from a few hours ago, but I put it up to my ear faster than I ever have before.
"Y-Yoongi...I'm..I'm so sorry......I made a big mistake.....I just hope you'll forgive me.....I swear-I-I....never wanted to hurt you....you've given me so much....I-I could never......never repay you for how you make me feel.....Yoongi...I-I.....lov-"
After that I heard a car screeching, and I heard her scream before the message shut off. I felt a tear roll down my cheek. Shay is hurt. My Shay is hurt. I then fell off the bar stool, and staggered out the door.

Sami's POV

As soon as Namjoon pulled into the hospital parking lot I jumped out of the car, and dashed to the door. When I got to the receptionist's desk I had to stop to catch my breath.
"Lee Shay?" I choked out, while gasping for air.
"What is the relationship?" She asked with a smile.
"Sister." She then handed me a visitors pass.
"It's room 209. Her husband is already in there with her." I then froze, and stared at her for a moment.
"I'm sorry, did you just say husband?" She then gave me a confused look, and cocked her head to the side.
"Yes, is there a problem."
"Yeah there is. My sister isn't married." I said before I ran off to her room. When I got there I busted through the door to see the last person I wanted to see.
"What the fuck are you doing here!?" His head then turned to my direction, and he gave me a mocking smile.
"Sami, a pleasure as always." He answered bitterly.
"Answer my question damn you!" I splat. He then smirked, and stood up while holding Shay's hand.
"I wanted to see her, and make sure she's ok."
"Since when do you give two fucks about whether she's ok or not!?"
"I happen to love her."
"If you love her, then you never would have broke her heart the way you did." I growled.
"I never meant to hurt her." I then scoffed.
"That's bullshit Kibum, and you know it."
"It is not. I love her."
"If you love her, then why did you cheat on her you prick!?" I screamed.
"I made a mistake."
"Yeah and you made two more today. You showed up here, and claimed to be her husband."
"Well in a way we are married."
"Playing house when she was 9, and having a fake wedding doesn't count." I splat. Shay, Taemin, and I grew up with Kibum and his brother, Jonghyun. Kibum is a year older than Shay and I, but the age difference didn't matter. Shay fell head over heels for Kibum, and would anything for him. They officially started dating when Shay was 13 and Kibum was 14. But it all went down hill after Kibum joined the school choir. His voice, and performance made him instantly popular. A month later Shay caught Kibum fucking a cheerleader in the girls gym. Shay was devastated, and broke up with him immediately. Shay hasn't spoken to Kibum since she was 16, and not to mention the whole situation was one of the big reasons we moved here. Shay's 18, and she's a different person now. But I know that if she found out Kibum still loves her, then she would go back to him in a heartbeat. He was her first love, and she wanted him to be her first time willingly having sex with someone, but of course Kibum had to fuck it all up.
"Get out Kibum." I warned.
"Please Sami, I need her back." His eyes held a desperate expression.
"You're too little too late. Shay's already with someone else." I said with a smirk, and then his face fell.
"You're bluffing."
"I'm not. His name is Min Yoongi, and he makes her very happy." He stayed silent for a good 5 minutes before speaking again.
"That can't be." He whispered.
"Well it is. Now get out."
"I SAID GET THE HELL OUT!" I screamed, and then Namjoon ran in.
"Sami, what's wrong?" He asked without even noticing Kibum's presence.
"Nothing's wrong, Namjoon." Kibum then walked out, and rudely bumped Namjoon's shoulder on the way out. Namjoon then watched him walk away.
"Who was that prick?"
"That prick used to be the love of Shay's life." I said with a sigh. I then walked up to my sister, and held her hand. Doing so made me smile, because even when she's asleep her hands stay ice cold. I then pulled my phone out.
"Taemin, you need to get to Seoul National University Hospital. Shay was in a car accident, and is in critical condition."
"I'm on my way." He said, and then the line went dead. I then sat down beside my sister, and tears fell down my cheeks.
"It'll be ok. I'm going to take good care of you." I said, and then kissed the back of her hand.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this! Leave me a comment to let me know how I am doing! Stay strong my beautiful readers, keep dreaming, I love you all, and I will update soon.-Coolcat51

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