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Yoongi's POV

I sighed to myself as I let the wind brush softly through my brown hair. I remembered when I first dyed it, and how much Shay loved it. Just thinking of Shay makes my stomach turn. I still can't believe I laid my hands on her. I promised I would never hurt her, and thats exactly what I did. I promised not to treat her like her father had done. I did one almost two things. I hit her, and almost raped her. I only stopped, because her words were able to bring me back to reality. I'm just afraid that I'm pushing her out the door, and that would kill me. I then ran my right hand through my hair, and let my left hand play with the ring in my pocket. I've only known the Lee siblings a few short months, but already I feel accepted into their small family. They are all so caring, sweet, and warm. Taemin is like the brother I wished I could have had, Sami is like the older sister who takes care of me, and Shay is my everything. She was my reason to get through those dark times, and what made me finally snap. She made me realize that life is worth living, and that I am so much more than my family made me out to be. Shay is the one who turned my life into a hopeful ray of sunshine, and saved me from living in that bottomless pit. I then felt something wet hit my hand. I hadn't even realized I was crying, and I wiped my eyes. Going up my mother always told me that I was incapable of loving anyone, and that no one would love me. For the longest time I thought she was right, but Shay completely changed my point of view. I just hope that I don't loose her. I can't loose her. I then sighed again, and ran my hands through my hair in frustration. I then felt a sharp pain in my heart that made me drop to my knees.
"S-Shay...." I muttered weakly. Somethings wrong. She's hurt. My Shay is in pain.

Shay's POV

I felt a pain in my heart, and I pulled away from Baekhyun. I then dropped to my knees. What am I doing? Sure Yoongi made a mistake, but what the hell am I doing? I then stood up, and gave Baekhyun a sad look before rushing out the door. After I ran out of the police station I noticed it was raining hard, but I was too deep in thought to care. I entered my car, and drove quickly. I have no idea where I'm going, but I'm getting away from the police station. I'm sobbing heavily, because I can't believe what I just did. If Yoongi were to find out about this it would break his heart. After everything he's done for me, and this is how I repay him? I then picked up my phone, and decided to call him. Sadly it went to voice mail.
"Y-Yoongi...I'm..I'm so sorry......I made a big mistake.....I just hope you'll forgive me.....I swear-I-I....never wanted to hurt you....you've given me so much....I-I could never......never repay you for how you make me feel.....Yoongi...I-I.....lov-" I then screamed as I lost control of my car, and crashed into a guard rail. Before my vision faded to black I heard my phone beep once more, because the voice message had ended.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this! Leave me a comment to let me know how I am doing! Stay strong my beautiful readers, keep dreaming, I love you all, and I will update soon.-Coolcat51

When Killers Fall in Love (16+) #wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now