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a/n aha wow look whos updating :D mEEE!! lmao im s o r r y :/ also when i said really long, i mean like,,, long for i what i normally do yknow. smh my updates need to be longer. ok lmao bye

-caylin :)


november 24 1989--(still continued from the last update,,, and the last,,, and the last. somehow i do this oops :)) 

"hmm?" richie asked. hmm goddamit richie. why is hmm your way to answer things you aren't ready to reply.


"wow richie." eddie laughed to himself and rolled his eyes. "is hmm your go to word now?" richie blushed and shook his head.

"uhh... no?" richie made it seem like a question and eddie smiled. "i- i've noticed that too. i'm sorry." richie was embarrassed about how eddie noticed. eddie frowned and touched richies arm. 

"i'm joking, yknow. haha." eddie tried to smile, he looked at richie, he wasn't smiling. that was strange because richie was always the one smiling and telling not needed jokes. richie looked at eddie and hugged him, he was crouched over slightly to reach eddies height.

"i think i can see an ant smiling at me from this height eds! wow, he's got beautiful teeth." richie smiled at eddie. eddie scrunched his eyebrows and backed away from richie.

"don't call me eds, and uhh. how do you go from looking so sad and i dont know, unlike yourself to, well, you?" 

"i was thinking. and i mean, you were joking after all." richie faked smile. "anyways, uh ya, you can stay with me for a couple of days. holly will be there obviously but like other than that, just us." richie smirked making the other roll his eyes.

"thanks rich." eddie smiled and started walking again, the other way towards richies house. richie followed him. 

time jump bc the walk to richies is silent and awkward and that's the tea :)

when they got to richies house they were greeted by richies mom.

"hi boys!" maggie smiled at them. "whos this richie?" she asked 

"this is-" richie began.

"oh wait. is that... eddie?" maggie asked, she smiled. eddie looked confused, so did richie. but then richie remembered, and he blushed and looked at the ground. oh, mom please leave, don't say anything else, please, plea-  richie began to think. 

"richie talks about you all the time." maggie smiled at eddie. richie's face grew hotter and his whole face was red, dark red. eddie looked at richie, confused. "oh eddie, richie only talks about good things, great. he always says that you're cute and adorable. OH! and i think he used the word beautiful too. and he talks about your eyes, your freckles and your height. hehe basically everything about you." eddies jaw dropped, his face deep red.

"ok well. haha, thAnKs mOm." richie squinted his eyes at his mother and grabbed eddies shoulders and ran up the stairs. eddie laughed. when the two reached richie's room eddie let out a huge laugh. 

"get eXpOsEd." eddie was laughing. laughing so hard a tear rolled down his cheek. he looked at richie and smiled. "its nice to know you talk about me rich." eddie smiled. he slowly stopped laughing. "rich? ar-are you ok?" richie nodded. 

"ya, and... i don't talk about you as much as my mom made it seem. she's got such a big mouth." eddie giggled. 

"oh? well now i know where you get yours from." eddie laughed he fell back on his back. the two of them were sitting on richie's bed. eddies head was now almost touching the wall that richie's small bed was pushed up against. richie giggled and layed down beside eddie. they both looked at each other richie smiled. their faces were inches apart. and in that moment richie realized that he loved eddie. not like friends "love" each other, but love like you love someone you want to spend the rest of your life with. richie's smile faded. he looked at eddie's eyes and then turned away from him. eddie sat up and looked at richie. he took a deep breath and smiled. lets try this again. eddie thought.

"umm. richie." eddie whispered.

"ya eds." richie replied, he was whispering as well. he looked at eddie and gave a small smile. 

"i'm gay." richie's small smile turned into a big smile. don't mess this up richie. richie thought.

"ok." richie looked at eddie's lips. eddie noticed and blushed. "uh well, its only... what time is it?" eddie looked at his watch. 

"uhhhh.... 9:47" eddie said. richie nodded.

"well... what does one do when they skip school."

"no idea, i've never done this before."

"neither have i." richie said. eddie laughed. "what?"

"you have never skipped school? you. like the richie trashmouth tozier???" richie looked confused.

"what do you mean trashmouth?" richie asked. he looked sad. "is that what people call me?" eddie looked shocked.

"you haven't heard that before?" eddie asked, he felt bad for bringing it up. richie looked like he could shatter into a million pieces. he looked broken.

"no..." he shook his head.

"rich.... it's just a stupid nickname." eddie tried to smile, but he couldn't, not when he saw richie like this. richie was normally the one laughing and annoying eddie.

"ya. i guess. i probably got the name from all the trashy dicks that have been in my mouth." richie laughed and grabbed eddies sides. he started to tickle eddie. 

"bAHAHEE- richie- HHEHHA- stOP!" eddie was laughing and started kicking the air. "riCH! sTOP- HEHEHA- pLEASE!" richie stopped. 

"and i'm a top." he winked at eddie. "and a virgin. so... that was a joke." eddie blushed and nodded. "oh and not gay like you so... sorry but you'll never get a taste of this." richie pointed at himself. "can't touch this piece of straight meat eds!" he laughed and smiled at eddie.

"that's fine. i'm not interested in-" eddie eyed richie "that"

"oh baby don't say it like that." richie frowned like a little puppy. eddie rolled his eyes and got off richie's bed. he walked to one of richie's desk chairs and sat down. 

richie was lying to himself, he was gay. well, gay-ish. he liked girls and boys. both. he didn't know what that was called. or if it was even a thing. maybe he should tell eddie. and see what he thinks. i mean, eddie of all people shouldn't mind. he was gay. like full gay or whatever.

"hey eds." richie said. eddie twisted around in the spinny desk chair.


"maybe im not straight." eddie looked at richie confused.

"you just made a whole speech about how you're straight." eddie laughed. richie looked at eddie confused. "i mean continue on if you're not i don't mind." eddie stammered embarrassed how he said that. 

"i like girls. right?" richie said. eddie nodded. "buuuut, i think... well, i know that i also like guys."

"so you're bi?"

"bi? is that what its called..?"

"ya i think so."

"well then ya, i guess im bi eds." eddie smiled. his heart fluttered. 

"ok." they both smiled at each other. eddie getting off of the chair and walking back to richie's bed. he grabbed richies hands. "rich."

"ya eds?" 

"do you wanna do something fun?"

"like fucking-" eddie hit richie's arm.

"nO. like... making food?" eddie smiled. "food is fun. i love food. i would marry food."

"ok, lets go make princess eds some food!" richie sat up. eddie dragged richie across the room and let go of one of his hands. he opened the door and they walked downstairs to the kitchen. they saw maggie and holly in the family room playing with barbies.  

"what shall we make?" richie gave eddie a goofy smile. a smile that made eddie's stomach into a giant knot.

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