Chapter 3

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Later on, I arrived at my dorm. I couldn't believe this was actually happening! To get ready for this study session I logged onto my computer and I got a stool for him to sit at my desk. My smile couldn't keep off my face. And I nearly flew into the clouds when there was a knock on the door.
Instantly, I flung open the door. He must have had a heart attack.
"Hi!" I said maybe too suddenly.
"Hi," he said. His voice lighting me up.
Wait... no, I can't think like this. I have already talked to myself about I don't need to again. And now I'm going crazy because I'm talking to myself.

Anyway, there was some silence at the door.
"Can I come in?" He asked. Oh yeah... you need to actually let him in your dorm. What an idiot I am. I think I'm actually the queen of awkwardness.
"Oh yeah sorry," I said pulling the door and letting him step in the room.
Before he had come you had spent at least an hour tidying up to make it look like you weren't a filthy pig, so you were glad when he noticed.
"Wow, this is one tidy room, I couldn't make my dorm this clean even if I wanted too."
"Oh, it's nothing. So I'm guessing we are working on the computer?"
"Uh is it okay if we actually use paper, I can think better when I do."

I was kind of disappointed at this but I tried not to let it bother me.

I went into my drawer and pulled out an old lined notebook and took two clicky pens. I tested them and they were fine. Immediately, I handed him the non-fluffy pom-pom pen. Things like this would make me look stupid.

Why was I worrying about this, it's not like I liked him. Did I? No. Remember what I said to myself before, don't do this.

"So..." I tried to start a conversation when we sat down. "What should we write about? There are so many possibilities"
"Well I saw before from your book that you like wizards...we could do it based on them"
"uh, yeah. What would you like him/her to be called?" you said as you were drawing out a simplistic plan.
"Whatever you want."
"I don't know..."
"I have an idea! What if we write it in the first person? Then we wouldn't have to come up with a name until later on?"

For a hot guy, he was certainly brainy. For a brief second we made eye contact, and like the stupid being I am, I immediately looked away.

"Wow that's a really good idea!" and I was speaking the truth. "So, how are we going to start it off? I have a few ideas but they aren't very good."

"Well, we could have the guy introduced in... an abandoned tower with someone following him. So it's straight into the action!"
"YES!" you said enthusiastically. You knew this assignment was going to be an A+.


A couple of hours later, the story was on the last two words... the end. You and Chad both looked at each other and smiled.
"Well!" you said, so happy you both have finished. And he was a partner which was a nuisance either, he had generally helped you with ideas! Overall it had been a pleasant two hours and a bit.
"I don't know about you but I think we are going to get a good mark for this!" he smiled. You did too. It was kind of like that awkward moment between the part where the two people look at each other and kiss in the movies. But this was real life. And I am a scared person who has never shared a kiss with anyone apart from family. When I say that I just realise how sad it really is. So, I didn't. Instead, I made up an excuse that I had to go and meet my so-called 'friend'. (the embarrassing part is all my friends are hours away in different states or even different countries!) anyway, it worked like a charm to get him out of my dorm. He thanked me for letting me work here and that I was a good partner. I smiled at that, I had always been a person who worked solo so it was nice to have someone appreciated my work. And he left.

Since I knew that the assessment was done, I decided to treat myself by going out to eat. I didn't know anywhere in particular where I could go since I was new to campus but I got my coat on and left anyway.

As soon as I stepped out the door though, I immediately regretted it. I didn't really think I was ready to face the thousands of people coming to school. And even worse, what if I ran into chad again? I would be so socially awkward it would be cringy. But I decided I needed to finally get out of my stuffy dorm room and actually get something proper to eat other than the limited food resources I had. So I left.

When I left the blocks, which held the student accommodation, I felt the fresh air hit my lungs... I hated it. I'm more used to the filtered air conditioning inside houses. And not to mention it was freezing! I turned round to go back inside when I saw something...

Chad was kissing another girl!

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