Chapter 11

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All throughout the day I kept thinking about that dream. It just seemed so real. I mean I know it sounds stupid. He would never do that to me. But I keep on thinking at what point did the dream start?
Was it the kidnapping? Was it when I got in the car? Was it the start of the day? Nothing seemed reasonable anymore.
Obviously, since it was a Saturday that means it would have been early today, mid day Yesterday or late yesterday. I honestly had no clue.

Anyway it was nearing the end of the day. I hadn't really done anything productive for school. I had just went to the book shop.
I don't know for certain that I have mentioned this before but reading is like therapy for me. It's like an alternate universe to escape to every time you read the words. It's wonder in itself.

I guess that's why I'm majoring in english. I want to make the kind of books that give other people the joy that other authors have gave to me.
Overall, I picked three books. The Fault In Our Stars, Everything everything and The book thief.
Normally, I go for the kind of books with magic and mystery. But today was sort of different. I was craving the books that had sandness and meanings behind them.

After I bought them I stayed in the shop for a while. It was one of those stores where they had a mini coffee shop there. I didn't really do anything exciting, just sat down and read. And after an hour I had already finished everything everything and half of The fault in our stars. They are actually kind of short books.

Now i come to think of it i didn't have to spend the money for all of the books since i haven't really left the shop and i had already finished it. Oh well.


After the time in the shop I just wanted to go home and find something to do. So, that's what i did. But as soon as i saw who was in the room i started to wish that i hadn't came so soon.

Of coarse, it had to be hanna standing in the room. I didn't want to deal with all this drama right now! I turned and headed for the door but it was too late, She had already seen me.
"Rebecca... " I turned round to face her.
"We need to talk."
"There's nothing to talk about." I answered bluntly.
"Yes, yes there is. Its Chad."
The name chad alerted me. So she's not going to talk about the kiss?
"I used to date him."
Well this is going to get awkward.
"So i know how dangerous he is. Trust me he isn't who you think he is."

"You may see me as a strong, fearless woman, But I wasn't always like this. There was a time I was in an abusive relationship. With chad."

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