Chapter 25

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Hanna leaned against the door and slid down a bit. I think she was mostly devastated at all this. I mean, to find out that a creepy and overall horrible person actually did it all for you, well, that must be pretty tough to handle. 
Even though all she was going through, I could tell she was keeping a brave face. I hope it was for herself not for me though. I want her to be able to show her true emotions around me. But right now, her face was expressionless and it was clear she wasn't going to talk anytime soon.
The only thing I could do is try to make an effort in comforting her, which I tried. At first it was awkward but to be honest I don't think it really mattered. 

"Look, I know you might not want to say anything but just know that im here for you and he is not worth the time in your thoughts."
She looked at me and gave me a sad smile and nodded. I think she couldn't bring herself to words at the minute.


It was now the next morning and she still hasn't spoken a word. I was kind of getting worried. I have never known hanna to be this way before, she must be really messed up...

I really wish I could have spent the whole day with her, just to make sure she was okay, but I knew I had classes and I couldn't really miss them because of upcoming exams, which I was really stressing about.
I just feel that if Chad had not came last night then we would have been normal. And that I probably could have been a bit more focused on my studies. Instead I spent the whole day worrying about her.

My day included only one class, but it was a very long one. This class was English and today we were using the information we were supposed to gather as homework to write a six page essay on a book. The twist was that it had to be a book written within the past ten years. I would normally love this kind of project since i find old books unfascinating and the newer ones a lot more interesting, but when i arrived at class and started working on the actual essay, my heart just wasn't in it.

When we handed in the papers at the end of the time I felt like I was not only going to disappoint not only the teacher but also myself. I knew I had a lot more potential than this but as I said before, my heart wasn't in it. I just hoped that this wasn't going to push me back a whole year in english as it would really mess things up.

I turned to my english teacher and looked her in the eye as I passed my papers forward.
"Im so sorry..."
My eyes filled with tears and I quickly rushed out of the room.


Now it was my turn to lean into a wall in sadness. Despite crying about how bad my essay was, the main reason behind all of this is how messed up these months had been. And even more so is that I hated seeing hanna sad. It made me feel worse when she was.

I was collecting my broken pieces of memory back up when I remembered something. I had been in this exact space before, and i think i could recall seeing Chad in the distance...

Or was that really him? No, I must have been hallucinating him through the tears. It was probably just my worst fears being portrayed in my eyes... It was just he seemed to real....

But, when I felt the cold brush of air giving the feeling someone just passed me, I had mixed emotions.
A part of me just wanted to dive on top of him and start attacking him like i have many times before, but I knew that would lead me into big trouble. Not only I am much weaker when i am upset but also there were a few witnesses around and there was clearly a security camera pointed at this direction. It really wasn't worth it. So i let him walk by.

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