Chapter 28

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I ran. I ran as fast as I could. I ran until I got there. My dorm.

Those words that maya had said had hit me. Especially the last part where she said something about the limited time you have with them. It was like the words were sort of aimed at me...
"just love them, and talk to them and be happy with the limited time you have with them."
Before I even realised it, I was at the door of the dorm. For a minute I just stared forward, having second guesses if I should go in or not, but mayas voice kept on playing over and over in my head and wouldn't leave me alone. So, I knocked on the door.

It took awhile for the door to open - to be honest, it didn't matter to me since I needed time to collect myself - but that was to be noted. Then the door finally opened... to a heartbroken person, whose eyes were all puffed up and whose whole body was still shaking after what had happened. I felt terrible that I had caused her all this pain by storming out instead of understanding.

"W-What?" Hanna did try her best to hide her obvious wobbly voice, but it was really no use, i knew she was devastated.
I took a deep breath in so i could go over what I was going to say one last time.
"Hanna. Even though the time that you are moving away to europe is very close. I still love you, and even after you have left I will love you then. I am devastated that we won't see each other again, but a special friend of mine told me you have to make the most with the little time you have with your loved ones. So, i was wrong to storm off on you like that, I think I was just shocked as it all seemed so sudden but nonetheless i should have realised that this is your future and that is what matters most, not some college crush. Please just... what i want the most is for you to forgive me and we can go back to what it was like before, happy, happy until we say goodbye."

There was a moment of silence... time seemed to slow down. It seemed like a million years until she would respond... was what I said enough?

"You got one thing wrong"

For a split second I looked over all my life choices. What had I possibly got wrong? I thought everything I said was good. I just hoped it didn't cost me the whole relationship.

Then she spoke again. "Your not just a 'college crush'. You are so much more than that. And I know what I said to you was shocking and to be honest i expected you would react worse. I mean i thought you wouldn't talk to me for like a whole week but here you are, on the same day. And let's face it. You shouldnt be the one apologizing, I should be. I should have said the decision over with you before I made my mind up by myself. I'm sorry. ''I love you"

I sighed in relief before everything else. At least the thing that i got wrong was that I mistook how much I meant to her. It was so sweet of her to say that. Then the other words sunk in.

The words ' I love you' still warmed my heart in a way nothing else could. We had both said it many times before but it never actually lost meaning to us. It was like this powerful binding spell that kept us close together. And overall it was just a nice phrase to say to your partner.

For Three seconds we both stood there awkwardly. Just thinking. I had no clue what was going on inside Hanna's mind, and to be honest she probably didn't know what was going on inside mine either, but we just stood and looked at each other like nothing else mattered...

When we both came into reality, still with nothing said, i walked forward to her. I guess i hadn't fully came back to reality since it so random but I held out my arms and embraced her for a hug. She seemed almost surprised but she quickly warmed up to it and hugged me back.  It was warm and strong - hanna had still not lost her strong character even though she had softened up for me, and it made for a perfect moment. It was one of those moments where time stopped. Like this was a frozen picture that would be held forever. But seconds later it ended. We both slowly walked away awkwardly from each other, and nothing else was said.

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