Chapter 27

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I quickly gathered myself up and ran towards Maya. Embracing that massive, nearly crushing, hug that she gave me. It was obvious she was so happy to see me. And i was too. It's just that this must have been the worst time to see me. 
I pulled away from the hug and forced an excited tone. "What are you doing here? It's still in the middle of term! I mean im so happy to see you but you know." I think the last part gave away my mood a little bit.
"It's a very very long story... but if you are free right now then I can tell you it all. And then you can tell me what's up with you!"
Without waiting for a reply she came back in for the hug and squeeze me even tighter, which I didn't even know were possible.


I didn't invite her to my room. I couldn't. Not if i didn't know for sure that hanna was out. So instead I took her to the student library. This library was different from the bookshop I normally go to. For one it was mainly aimed at studying more than reading. And the bookshop probably had a nicer more homely feel to it. But I didn't really feel like leading her all the way there. This was really just the quickest option. But i have to admit i had no idea if it was against school policy to let in a non student into the student library, but at this point I really couldn't care less.

"So." Maya said and she sat down on the soft, cushioned seat. "This is nice."
She wasn't lying. The liberry was nice. The books were always neatly lined up in alphabetical order and size in a way that satisfied my ocd. The bookshelf in themselves were cool too. They gave off a sort of vintage vibe that matched the way the liberry was styled.
"Yeah, i guess this place is nice. But i have to admit i haven't really been here that often."
"No silly, i was talking about us being reunited together again!"
"Oh. yeah."
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing. I'm fine!" I forced a fake smile
"No. No your not. Tell me everything."
I sighed.
"Fine. If you want the story. Here you go."


Before i knew it i had told her everything from Chad to hanna. And Maya had listened to every detail of with with close concentration. To be honest it was a relief to get this all of my chest, and if felt amazing. It was nice to talk to someone other than hanna.

Those were all the words she had to say. Only three words but powerful in these kinds of situations.
"And I thought my time was bad."
"What happened to you then?" I said, wanting her to talk about herself for a change.
"It's nothing compared to your story."
"It doesn't matter what is in comparison. You have obviously had a rough time to be able to come back here." I reassured
"Okay. Well."
She paused to soak in air.
"Well... It all started off great. I had a boyfriend. Everything was amazing. Classes were going great. I had good friends. Parties were amazing. But he. He was the best thing that had ever happened to me. He was the one to come up to me and casually ask for a date. And my god it was amazing. We seemed happy for like years."

Maya labeled on for ages. It was mostly about how perfect he was. Or how perfect they were.

"Then, just recently, we were out on a date. And... and..."
Maya looked up to try and keep the tears from leaking down her face. But I already knew she was on the verge of tears.
"It's okay." I said, hoping she really was okay.
"Yeah, I'm okay. Anyway. He went to the bathroom and left this phone on the table. Before this point. When we weren't talking I saw him text on his phone. I thought it was weird but since we were so close I trusted him. So, he left his phone on the table and I was waiting for him to come back when I heard a ping. I promise I tried not to look, but at the corner of my eye I could see something... something disgusting. I won't get into details but I did see a girl sending a picture."


"Of course I jumped to conclusions" she continued "I mean anyone would. So when he came back I caused a right scene. Shouting, crying, you name it i did it. I just wished I had read the whole chat....


"After he had calmed me down, which took ages as i was having a temper tantrum, he explained everything. I felt like a complete idiot when he did as well."

She paused and stared into space for a few moments. From what i have heard it sounds like she has had a horrible time. But I knew there was still more yet to come. So, I waited patiently until she came out of her trance.

"He explained that... that there was this girl, who knew he was taken, but she still wanted to be with him. Since he was such an amazing boyfriend he had declined multiple times and told her to go away. He even showed me photo proof. And the whole texting thing with the date and all was that just him telling her to go away."

Maya sank into her chair, trying to hold her tears from stinging her eyes.
After a few moments I expected more of the story, i mean it didn't really seem completely finished, but instead when she opened her mouth she said something as if she wasn't speaking to anyone in particular.

"Just... if i had him back. Or even if i could love anyone like that again, I would just... just love them, and talk to them and be happy with the limited time you have with them."

Ruin my life (completed?)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant