Chapter 15

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"Are you ready to tell me what happened yet?"
I had just gotten out of my fit of tears and had managed to get out of the long hug. We had both been silent for quite some time.
"Luckily I got away before he did anything serious..."
A part of me still didn't want to tell Hanna anything. To just keep it to myself. But I ended up telling her everything, making sure to leave out why I was in the hotel in the first place.

I have to say Hanna is a good listener. She paid attention to everything i had to say and only asked questions once I was finished with my story.
"How did you get away from him?" Was the first question she asked as soon as I had stopped talking.
"A young woman saw what was happening and she helped me out with the situation and drove me here."
"Okay, okay,  and can you remind me what chads so called 'girlfriend's' name was?"
I thought back to the time. I couldn't remember the conversation exactly since i was in a state of shock when she told me all this, But i think i can recall that she didn't say what her name was.
"I don't think she ever introduced herself properly."
There was a moment of silence.

"I should have warned you about him as soon as i met you." She sighed.
"You had no idea that this was going to happen, don't blame yourself for it."
There was another moment of silence.

I sighed and got up. I was starving.
"Where are you going?" she asked, confused. The way people do when your in  a moment.
"Just around if i can find something to eat."
In my school bag there was a bunch of things. These consisted of: a book to read, school books, a notepad, a pencil case with lots of pens and right under everything, a bar of weetabix. I took it out and unwrapped it.
I again sat on the bed.
"I know this might be a personal question, but how did you find out about chads behaviour?" I said taking a bite into the bar.
She seemed to hesitate, but then answered. "Its long long one... but to cut it down i was basically Chads girlfriend back in highschool and there were rumors going around that he was a creep. But that didn't stop me from saying yes when he asked me to a school dance. Then halfway through the night.." She took a deep breath. "He asked me if I wanted to leave early to have some 'fun'. I was young back then and when he took me out he wouldn't take 'NO' for an answer..."
"Oh my god that's terrible"
I honestly didn't know what to say. How could she experience something so terrible? I felt so sorry for her.

After quite some time, Hanna's phone buzzed. When she took it out her pocket she gave me a look.
"You can go if you want." I said, already knowing that it said something about leaving the room.
"Thank you." She said and gave me a slight nod.

Just as she went to close the door, I called out something by accident... "Love you!"

I don't think she heard it. THANK GOD. What was I thinking? I guess it just slipped out of my mouth. I slapped myself.


Now That I was alone, the room has an eerie feel to it. Words that Chad has said played over and over in my head, just now realising how bad this had actually got.
When I look back now, I think of how lucky I was that the girl had called me. Who knows what would have happened if i had met him?

I got bored of just sitting with nothing to do, so I checked my phone. I guess I was just scrolling through my short list of contacts. That's when I remembered Maya.
I hadn't talked to maya is AGES. In fact she didn't know anything that has happened.
Since I had nothing else to do, I decided to write her a message. I didn't realise how long it actually was until I glanced back at it.

"Maya, It's been such a long time since we last talked! I hope your having a good time in England! It's all been a bit crazy over here. I know we cant text like normal where you reply instantly so i'm just going to explain everything that has happened in one text. Here it goes! It all started when a met a cute boy in my english class, he saw that I was reading one of his favorite books so we started talking, anyway, fast forward to the time when i got kicked out of my class (even longer story) and I went into the wrong bathroom (to this day I still don't know how I managed that.) He calmed me down in there.  And for some reason that made me give him my trust. Since all this happened quite a long time ago All the events are kind of mixed up in my head. Maybe It's just the pure shock of what happened today... Anyway Later on I got in the car alone, (and No, I still havent passed my driving test yet so it was illegal) and Chad came. He talked sense into me and he offered to come in the car with me. I can't remember where i originally was going to go, I think I was just going to drive around aimlessly, but Chad recommended the bowling alley opened up to sophomores. He said that we could both sneak in since it wasn't checked regularly. Looking back i can see the clear warning signs. But then i thought it was okay. He offered me a drink there but thankfully i said no. Then I asked for some water. You can probably see where this is going Maya. He spiked me. I don't know what Happened in the period of time after i had woken up, technically since i had a blindfold on, but the next thing i know I woke up back at my dorm"

I  typed a lot more than that. It takes many words to describe everything that has happened to me. But everything has already been documented in this story. So there is really no need to tell you all again.

It took ages for the text to send. Since it was probably such a large file. But it did. And I felt a lot better when it did.

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