Chapter 17

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My stomach fluttered in my mouth the way it does when you miss a step, the way it gives you all the fear in just a millisecond. Imagine that but worse.
The first part of the message was haunting by itself, "Rebecca help me now!". But the part really grabbed all my fear was the name, Chad.
Time seemed to slow down for me...
I still had my heavy backpack on, but that didn't change anything for me. There was no chance I could run with that on and that was all that mattered. Quickly, I dropped it by the door without thinking and ran off, with the message still open and in my hand.

I dont think ive ever run this fast in my life. But honestly i feel like i couldn't stop running even if I wanted to.  Nevertheless, it  seemed if my thoughts were racing quicker. What if something had already happened?

I dodged the lift because it would have took too long for my liking, and instead went straight for the stairs. It was one of those long spiral ones. And not once did I hesitate as I flew round each corner. You probably couldn't even count how many steps I had missed at this point.

Before i knew it i had reached the exit door and bolted outside. Not far now. Not far now...

I practically took the door off its hinges and I sprung into the cafe. I couldn't believe my eyes...

I saw nothing

My heart sank in terror. If she wasn't here where was she?
I took a minute to cling onto the wall and catch my breath. I took many deep breaths in and out but none of it could stop my thudding heart.
I readjusted myself to be straight. I was still tired as anything, but I knew I had to look around for her.

The first place I thought to look was just under the tables. I know it sounds a bit crazy, but I thought there might have been a high chance that he was keeping her there. So I checked all the tables.  But as you might have guessed she wasn't there, neither was chad.
I sat down on one of the table ledges and observed the place. I know I should have been running around frantically but I honestly couldn't muster up the strength. It had been a long day after all.

It was deserted here is you hadn't known already. I guess everyone was in late classes or just at their dorm. It seemed weird in a way because this was the one place i thought i would always be people. 

As i was thinking i heard a muffled yelp. It sounded like a horror movie yelp.

I jumped up so fast i got a mini headache. Although I didn't mind, I knew for a fact that someone was in danger and i had to help.
At first it seemed to come from the bathrooms, but as I came closer it became clear that it was from the storage room.
I really hoped that it wasn't Hanna making those noises. Well actually I wouldn't wish this on anyone. But If there was one person who i wished the most it wasnt it would be Hanna.

It felt like ages it run the short distance to the storage room. It was like one of those nightmares where you try to run but it feels like a huge weight is attached to you. The only difference with this is that this is real life...

I reached for the door handle. I pulled it harder than I ever have before. It wouldn't open. It was locked.

Great. I told myself. How am I going to see what's happening? That's when I heard another scream...

It gave me another mini jump scare. But I had to get over it because I heard it say something.
At first I couldn't understand it, It was clear someone was holding their hand over the person's mouth, but after replaying it over in my head I gathered a couple of words.

"Key is ___ the mat"

I got the message as soon as I had figured out those four words.
Just in front of the door that I was standing next to, there was a small mat. I knew it was was the person meant.
I practically fell to the floor next to it and I vigorously pulled it up.
I gave a sigh of relief as I saw the rather rusty key laying almost as if thrown there.

I grabbed the key like there was no tomorrow, and slammed it in the hole. Then I paused.

Look, I know I shouldn't have hesitated, but if Chad was behind the door I needed to gather myself together. Who knows what was happening behind there.
There was only one way to find out...

I quickly gained my strength back together again and kicked the door open...

There I saw Hanna using all her might to struggle against Chad, that was the last thing I wanted to see. I was petrified for her, so that's why I sprinted toward chad and started punching him.

I guess I was so caught up in the moment I didn't realise how hard I was hitting him,
But he seemed pretty shocked at my strength, and to be honest i was too. It felt like I was punching weekly, that i could have done it a lot more viciously, however I was surprised by his cries for help after less than a minute.

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