Chapter 5

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Can you believe it? How unfair is that? Once again, Chad has ruined my life.

I was on the verge of tears. Ashamed, I looked down at the floor and respond "I'm sorry miss" quietly, and walked away. I opened the door, which seemed massively heavy now compared to when I ran in.

Once I was out, I ran as fast as I could to the bathroom. Tears were already forming in my eyes.
After what seemed like a lifetime, I made my way into the bathroom. I burst out into tears. It seemed like they would never stop. I could have even cried a river.

I must have been in there ages because next thing I know Chad walks in the bathroom. I was shocked. THIS IS THE GIRLS BATHROOM!
When he saw me he screamed like a five-year-old girl. I felt like giggling but my tears wouldn't allow it.

"What... what are you doing in the girl's bathroom?" I asked between sobs.
He looked at me horrified.
"GIRLS? I'm sorry to burst your bubble but this is the boys."

Then it hit me. When I was running here, my tears were blurry. And I ran into the closest bathroom to me. I didn't stop to think...
"OH MY GOD! I'M SO SORRY!" I said really embarrassed and started to run out.

Chad caught my shoulder. I made myself not to think anything of it. He looked at me.
"Hey if your crying because of what happened in class, don't worry. She had been salty all day. She probably didn't mean it." I tried a fake smile.
"Thanks" Then I continued to run out the bathroom.


When I reached my room, I flopped onto my bed.

When I got into my dorm I crashed onto my bed. I could still feel my flushed face burning with embarrassment. My body was half draped across my bed. I sighed and banged my fist into a cushion in anger.

"Are you okay there?" DAMN! HANNAS HERE.
I immediately stopped punching and wiped the tears from my eyes. I looked up at her like everything was okay, it was too late.
"What's wrong?" She said, her tone was softer than usual, this was something new. I shook my head and pulled myself up properly onto the bed. I looked down. My number one pet peeve is when people see you cry. You have spent lots of time gaining respect of people, then you go and lose it all in a few minutes. I hate that.

She came over and sat on the end of my bed. "Look, I don't know what happened. And I'm not good at people's feelings. But to feel better would you like to come to the cafe with me?"

Why was she being so nice? We had hardly talked and now she is inviting me to have lunch with her?! It all seemed bazar. Anyway, I was warming into this new her so I silently nodded.


We arrived in the cafe. It was really crowded. I think I had a mini heart attack with all the people there. I took a deal breath and made sure there was no wetness from the tears left on my face.
"You look fine, get over yourself." There she was. The classic Hanna's voice is back. I was relieved to say the least. Rude Hanna I don't like, Fake Hanna is even worse.

She walked and took a seat near the line to the food hall. I followed, to be honest I didn't know this area of college well because I normally eat in my room. I have been a total of two times here. Yeah, I know, I should get out more.

When we got there I put my stuff down and was about to get up when "DON'T! YOUR MISSING THE BEST BIT!"

Confused, I sat back down. I looked at her in a funny way. "Okay. So when people walk down our isles like... OH THERE'S ONE." She went silent.
Then just as a poor boy came around Hanna shifted her foot out but not in his vision. And just like she wanted he tripped over it. Spilling water all over him.

Her smile lit up. "HEY! WHAT THE F-" when he saw who tripped him he stopped. He plastered on a fake smile and walked away. Only at a safe distance having the guts to give her an evil look. As soon as he turned round, Hanna laughed. Well, it was more like an evil cackle. But for some reason it was contagious, and before I knew it I was laughing too.


We Both had done this a couple more times. Each one as helerius as the last. Once we had both decided we couldn't take anymore laughter, we both walked up to our dorm. I think I'm actually starting to connect with her. I might even class her as a friend.

"Thank you" I said, as we arrived at the door.
"You I'm coming in with you dumbass."
"I know but I just thought I would tell you now." She smiled
I grabbed my key out of my little purse i brought with me and put the key in the door... The door didnt need to be unlocked... It swung open with very little contact.

Then i saw a tall figure in the distance. "Hanna!" He sighed with relief. He must have been waiting here for a long time becuse of the way he had said it.

Almost immediately I got uncomfortable. THERE WAS A STRANGER IN MY DORM! And also HOW DID HE GET IN?!

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