Chapter 7

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It had been an hour since I had destroyed the place and now I was coming to see how much of a mess I had caused. After the random hug, Hanna had given me we both decided we needed to get this room cleaned up. We came up with a decision where I would clean my side of the dorm (The left side) and Hanna hers. This tidying session had already been on for ten minutes, I and Hanna were both in silence. It was starting to turn into an uncomfortable silence when Hanna broke it.

"I can't believe you got to trash the room before me. I mean I'm usually the one who gets the honour to do it in the first place." I kinda laughed at this comment.
I responded with "Well, I have to say, you missed out big time. It was so fun."
"Oh, so you're mocking me now?" She said in a playful tone. Right then I decided that in a few minutes the dorm isn't going to get any cleaner. With that, I gave her a sidewards smirk.

As quick as lightning, I found that a pillow had indented itself in my face. Then a burst of laughter came out. I don't know if it was of Hanna or me, Or it actually could have been both.
As if it was a reaction built in me, I picked the pillow up and threw it with all my strength back at her.
Then it started...
                             PILLOW FIGHT!

There were feathers covering the floor, like a huge blanket, millions of them. And not to mention the pillow forts that protected me from the constant flying feather filled shapes. It was chaos!

At one point we must have become exhausted or just ran out of pillows but our madness had slowed down to a stop. We both lay down on the floor staring up at the ceiling. Our smiles coming off our faces.

"Wow," I said. We both started laughing. "How did we get in a more of a mess than we started with?"
I sat up and looked at Hanna. I saw the heaps of feathers on her face.

I shuffled over to her and started picking the feathers off her. When I dropped them they looked like little dancing angles gliding downward. After a while, I kind of got sick of picking them off so I blew on her face. They came clean off.

Then my focus came back to Hanna. Today she was wearing a pink t-shirt that barely covered her chest, it was so low. Luckily, it was mostly covered with a black thin Cardigan.
My eyes traced to her face. At this point we had both stopped laughing. We were just looking at each other.

I don't know how this happened but, before I knew it I was close to her face.
Like more than friends close. When I came near I hesitated. At that moment I have to say, I wasn't questioning what I was doing. I was questioning if I should kiss her or not.
But it felt like she had already made the choice for me. She pulled my face closer to hers. Closer and closer. Time in itself had slowed down for me. Anything and everything moved painfully slow. But at that moment in time I didn't care. To be honest I didn't care about anything unless it was Hanna.

You can picture what happened next...
It's a feeling that's doesn't have the ability to be described. So i can't tell you. Even if you have read countless books, prepared for many years or have seen all the movies in the world that contain this special moment you still won't know what it feels like. And you won't experience it until you do it. But if your desperate to know i will share one secret... her lips tasted of strawberry lip gloss.

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