Chapter 23

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As I walked into the room once more, I think I was more scared than I was last time. Even though Hanna had made my odds way better.

The familiar room layout came closer as I walked and sat on the chair I had before. Only once everyone was settled was when the head teacher started to talk.
"Since there is no security footage of the incident, there is now way to prove for definite that you where the once who did this to him." He gestured towards his fist sized bruises on his face.

I bit my lip hard enough to stop myself from screeching in joy, but I couldn't stop my happy glint in my eyes. "Unless you can get a witness to support chads case... Rebecca you are free to go."

Chad had lost. And more importantly I couldn't get kicked out of school. And even more importantly I can get to stay with Hanna.

I leaned back in my chair with a sudden strength, my hands pushing my hair out of the way of my face. I turned my head to look at her, the person who had literally saved me from Chad. In return she gave me a facial expression I had never seen before. It was something between happiness and love.

Then I looked at Chad. I almost laughed at how mortified his face looked. But at this moment in time I couldn't care less. My world was Hanna.
I couldn't wait a second longer...
I swept off my chair and ran to her lips. Softly touching them at first but then more confidently. And I am proud to say that she wasn't the one to pull away.


When our moment had ended. I silently pulled away and smiled at chad even though i was still blushing. Even though this wasn't the first time I had kissed hanna it still felt amazing. Well, more than that. I just don't have words to describe it. I felt whole.

Hanna and I both walked out of the room side by side. Our arms both linked. Both smiling. Both walking confidently down the hall. Neither of us having a care in the world. And you can't blame us, we overcame Chad!

After a while of silent happiness, I realised it was pitch black

"Wow, it's getting really late don't you think? The sky seems as dark as anything."
"You think this is late? Boy, no offence but you really need to get out more. It's only 10pm."
"Normally at this time I would be reading in bed, waiting until i feel sleepy."
"Do you know what I would be doing?"
She stopped walking and turned to face me for full effect.
"I would be drunk and out partying."
"Everynight?" I asked
"Nearly, i have one night dedicated to homework. Mostly round my friends shared house. She has the new macbook and lets me use it as long as I don't eat or drink near it."
"Sounds like a nice friend."
"Come on! We just kissed and your already jealous?"
WHAT? Me? Jealous? NO WAY!
I can't believe she would say that to my face.
"No! I'm not jealous! There are so many reasons why i'm not-"
I was interrupted with Hannas mouth. It was only a quick kiss, but it was enough to shut me up.
"Is that better?"
I smiled and sped ahead of her.

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