Chapter 26

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As I opened the door to enter the dorm, the first thing I found was Hanna sitting on the bed. It looked like she had been waiting for me for at least 10 minutes now. I thought this was weird because last time I saw her she was all sad and didn't want to talk. Now she was... happy almost.
The next thing I noticed was the beds. It was covered in pinkish petals and both bed had been moved next to each other. This made the room feel smaller and more cramped than ever but it was still lovely.
"I'm sorry I couldn't get the red petals but I hope these are fine."
"What is all this. It's amazing, but why the special occasion?"

Hanna looked away from me for a split second. Almost too fast that I couldn't see, but from this small action I knew she was hiding something. I didn't say anything though as I knew she would bring it up later on. At least I hoped she would.
There was an awkward moment of silence.
Then Hanna broke it
Come here." She said. Waving her hand at me in a welcome manor.
"Look, I know I was upset about that whole Chad thing but there was a different reason why I wasn't myself."
This was probably what she wanted to talk about. And now I'm wasn't so sure I wanted to know what it was.
"I made this little thing for you because I wanted you to know how important you are to me, and that I'm not doing this because of you..."
This didn't sound good at all. Whatever this was, it was the last thing I wanted to hear after such a horrible long day. Now it was only going to get worse.
"Rebecca, I love you but... after I graduate I'm moving to Europe."

I almost felt the words choked in her mouth. And to be honest I choked on my breath too.
In no time, tears welled up in both of our eyes. I looked at hanna. Trying to take in that one simple yet so devastating sentence.

You know when you are crying so badly that your gasping for breath. Well, that was me in this period of time. It was kind of mentally confirmed that this was going to be me ( a sad wreak ) for the next few days. But it will take years to get over this.

Gathering my senses back little piece by little piece, I asked the one question that anyone would want to know the answer to this situation. Between breaths i managed to get out,
"What's going to happen to us?"
I think the thing that was so haunting about the answer she gave me was the fact it took her so long to bring herself to tell me. And let me just say she was brave compared to what i would be like if i was telling Her this.
"I dont think im ready to try long distance rebecca..."
I bit my lip to try and keep most of the emotion I was feeling. Obviously, I couldn't hold in everything. My tears seemed to come faster and more consistent and I, of course, felt even worse.

I looked at hanna, expecting her to say something. Anything. But nothing came.
So i said something instead.
Hanna looked at me.
"Why are you doing this?"
Hanna looked at the ground.
I waited for ages for an answer.
"That doesn't matter. Just know i don't do this because of you."
I got frustrated at the answer she gave me.
"Oh really? It had nothing to do with me? Why can't you tell me then!"
I stood up so quick that for a split second I thought I was going to fall.
"Rebecca, sit down, please this is already hard enough."
"So why did you decide to do this in the first place?"
"Rebecca. This is my future! Its where i have always wanted to live! It my dream! Im sorry but i'm not going to drop it all for you. You were the only reason to stay here. There was much more reasons why I should go. Can you accept that?"
I looked her dead in the eye
"Tell me something, am i not important enough to you?"
She stood up all walked towards me.
"Rebecca. You know that isn't true."
She touched my face. It felt nice. But I pulled away out of her grasp.
Then I started to walk towards the door, having no idea where I was going to go.

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