Chapter 24

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"What's your favourite book then"
The past few weeks with hanna had been great. Especially when we would stay up and talk. It was such a convenience that we shared a dorm. This meant we could stay up until morning talking. And i have to say i have learnt a lot about my girlfriend.

One of our favourite ways to get to know each other was ask each other stupid basic questions. Most of the time we got a good laugh out of some of the stupid answers.
"I don't really read that often, but when I do, I love The Fault in Our stars."
"No way! I just read that book a few weeks back. Plus i wouldnt look at you and think a sad romance type. I would have thought something like the Hunger Games would be better for you."
"Well,  that's my second favourite book"
We both laughed. I was so Happy. I just wanted this moment to last forever, and the many more amazing times to come.

As I opened my mouth to ask another question but I was interrupted by a sort of banging on the door. A violent one at that.
I looked at the clock above my desk, it was 1am. Who could be here at this time?

Hanna and I looked at each other a bit confused, I think we were both a bit overdosed on tiredness.
When it was clear the person wasn't going away I got up and dragged my feet to the door. My eyelids were so heavy....

I opened the door carefully. I hoped this would help me in case of an emergency and I would have to slam the door. I was glad that I did this because I opened the door to non other than chad.
I slammed the door as hard as I could to prove a point. I wanted him to know i never wanted to speak to him again. But then I heard crying.

"Are you okay over there?" Hanna said, walking towards me.
"I don't know, i just saw chad. I think he's crying?"
"O-kay... im going to open the door."

Hanna pulled the door open even more cautiously than me.
Sure enough there was Chad, again, crying.

"Just hear me out" He said between sobbs.
"What do you have to say that we don't possibly know already?" Hanna said, more aggressive than I would have thought.

"The reason why i'm so messed up..." Out of nowhere he started laughing. The way that villains do when they know that they have been defeated but just want to say their last cruel words.
"The reason why i'm so messed up is because I never got over you Hanna."
"I tried everything I could to take my mind off you. Slept with other girls. Even you,"
He said gesturing to me
"But nothing could take my mind of you... So i turned to this. Then one day I saw the way that you looked at her... Rebbecca!"
The way he discustanly said my name hurt me the most. So what she loved me? Get over her!
"By then i already knew i had rebecca fallen for me. So i started to take advantage of her. For you Hanna. But then it backfired. Brought you both closer together. I hated that."
Hanna rolled her eyes. I was relieved at this because what he said could be quite powerful to her. It made me love her even more that she was loyal to me.
"Why are you telling me this? We never asked you to."
"Can't you see? I'm drunk as hell. I have nothing else! You are the only something i have to hold onto! Just please forgive me..."

And with that I had never seen anything so annoying in my life. He leaned in to kiss her!

Immediately she pulled away before they could make contact and I almost felt sorry for him because of how hard she slapped him. At that moment I made a mental reminder to never get on Hannas bad side.

The next thing I knew was the loud slamming on the door colliding with the wall.

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