70. The Secret Life of Professors

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"So, Silas took the cure and is now a witch looking for a supernatural anchor that's holding the Other Side together, Dr. Bio knows that you and Elena are vampires and told you to drop out of college, and I'm apparently a psychic with a supernatural mind-connection to Mr. Immortal asshole," Riley said to Caroline, rounding up the information that she'd collected from a variety of sources. "Did I miss anything?"

"Me breaking up with Tyler," Caroline sighed, frowning as she thought about the last conversation that they'd had. She gave him a choice – be with her, or leave to get revenge on Klaus. He made the wrong choice.

Both she and Riley were carrying boxes back to her dorm room so they could pack up and move out as soon as possible. "Should we get out of town?"

Riley shrugged, watching Caroline kick the dorm room door open with her foot and hold it for her to enter. "Silas will follow me wherever I go, so there's probably no point."

In the room was Elena, in a towel, looking at herself in the mirror.

"Riles, you take toiletries," Caroline commanded in her usual bossy manner. "Elena, small appliances?"

Elena frowned at the blonde in confusion. "Um, we're moving out?"

"Apparently," Riley confirmed, making her way towards the bathroom. "Something about a professor guy who knows about your not-so-human life status."

"Oh," Elena said, nonplussed, smirking at herself in the mirror. "That sucks."

Caroline and Riley exchanged glances. While Caroline looked slightly confused, Riley shook her head in unsurprised annoyance. The girl hadn't even tried to hide it.

Caroline vamp-sped over to 'Elena', holding her against the mirror by her neck.

"What the hell are you doing in my dorm, Katherine?"

Katherine held her hands up in mock-surrender. "I'm desperate. I just need a place to crash."

Riley could have laughed if the former vampire didn't look so tragic. "So your only option was to break into their college dorm room?"

Katherine glared at the other human in the room. "What was I supposed to do? Damon kicked me out and Stefan doesn't remember me. I know that being a fragile human works for you, but some of us were meant for greater things."

"Bye Katherine," Caroline said, dragging her towards the door.

"Wait," Katherine choked out. Reluctantly, Caroline released her grip on the girl's neck. "In exchange for a place to stay, and Elena's meal card... I'll help you out with the professor guy. That way I have somewhere to sleep, and you and Elena get to stay in college. Because, honey, you really need a crash course in villain 101 – and I have an honorary doctorate."

Riley raised an eyebrow at her sister; after all, it wasn't her decision. But Caroline was torn. What was more important? Kicking Katherine out of her dorm room, or making sure that she still had a dorm room?

"You better have a really good plan."


Once they found Dr. Maxfield's (aka Dr. Bio's) office, it was really easy for them to get the upper hand. Currently, they had him tied to a chair, unconscious, thanks to Katherine sticking a needle in his neck.

"What did you inject him with?" Caroline asked curiously. She and Katherine were watching as he began to wake up, while Riley was scribbling on a piece of paper, trying to work something out.

"I don't know," Katherine said thoughtfully, looking at the bottle. "It just said 'avoid contact with eyes'... and 'do not ingest'."

"It's etorphine," Dr. Bio said, choosing this moment to wake up. "What are you doing, Elena?" he asked, looking at Katherine.

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