Chapter 14

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The next morning Jason was there by 5 am, he wanted to be there to see what the Dr said and he knew they made rounds early. He brought Tommy coffee and a breakfast tray Julie made up for him. Tommy appreciated their kindness and called Julie to personally thank her as well.

The Doctor arrived at 6 and Leigha had just woken up. Doc looked at her incision, read the blood test that were taken at 5 and she had slept through. He looked over her chart at the nurses notes.

Jason and Tommy waiting patiently watching him. Doctor walked over to her and sat on the bed on her left side. "Well my lovely lady, they do write good reports on you and you have been following instructions thus far, you test very well I might add." she smiled at him, this is sounding good, "And" she replied to him.

"I'm going to speak to your men here, give instructions that will be followed explicitly and if I feel they will follow them, I will let you out after your dinner tonight, how's that?" "I want to monitor you today and have another blood test for the infection before releasing you" "Agreed"?

"I ace my test I can assure you of that one" "And I have complete control over both of these men and will give orders to do as you say, so yes I agree"

Tommy and Jason were pleased to see her progress and were taken out of the room by the Doctor for instructions on showering, resting, her diet, what she can and can't eat and her fluid intake, how to take her temp, how often, her meds and her return visit for her stitches to be removed, what to watch and what to call him for. They were both impressed by this Doctor and by his instructions for her. As the Doctor left the room Jason put his arm around Tommy, "You're in for quite a treat with her, trust me, and I'll be there daily to back you up, got your six, but you got her while I'm at work at at night" "Remember, she is a witch"

"I can only imagine" "I'm just happy she is coming home and all is going to be well with her, she scared the hell out of me"

"Oh stay alert, she'll worry you again" "I can promise you that one" Laughing with him as they went back to her room.

The nurse came in later to let them know her friends from Quanico were there to see her and would let them all in at once as they promised to have a short visit. They came in and visited, Leigha cried with the other two women of the group, seeing them as it has been so long, hugs were long and she promised that she will come see them once she is recovered and not to hold out for so long. They met Tommy and gave their approval and he was pleased to meet more of her loved ones. They instructed Tommy that if he had any problems with her to call them, they'd set her straight. She laughed with them as they said their byes and left.

Tommy went and sat with her holding her as she cried after they left, Jason walked them out to their cars. Once she stopped crying Tommy looked at her, "My lass, you have many friends who are your family, they rerouted a jet to cross over the whole US to come see you for an hour. You are one loved lass"

"You are right, and I love you so much for being here with me through all of this, I do love you Tommy"

"I'd be nowhere else my love, I love you" he kissed her and held her close to him. She dozed off again. He went out for a cigarette and called Kim to tell him her update and to pass it along.

After her morning nap and lunch was over the nurse came in to show Tommy how to put the protection tape on her incision bandage and then allowed her to get up with his assistance incase she was weak or dizzy, the nurse aided him in taking her to the restroom and then after noting she wasn't dizzy just a little weak, the nurse allowed him to assist her in a shower. Leigha bitched some having him in there while she peed, but knew he needed to help her. The nurse then showed him how to remove the protection tape and her bandage with saline spray to keep it from pulling on her stitches and apply a new bandage, she showed him what to look for in redness and infections and how her stitches should look like each day. Leigha just laid there and watched Tommy learn all this new crap of taking care of her. And thinking, 'Just what he needed in a new relationship, make it or break it, this is a bunch of crap'. But she loved how involved he was and asking questions and being so gentle with her.

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