Save Yourself part 7

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Is... is he fucking serious? Is he really taking us to the boardwalk? I don't think he realizes how much I hate crowded places. I scowl as we enter the car but he speaks up without looking in my direction

"I know you hate being in places like that, but you've never been there. So give it a chance you grump." He snickers

"But why? All there is to do there is play pointless games and buy expensive things you don't need." I reply.

"Yes that may be true, but look at our lives. That's all it is for us. Pointless games and expensive things we don't need but want. If you want anything when we get there, please notify me babe." He turns and smiles to me. It took us about 20 minutes to get there and get in. We look around and we see a lot of rides and things to do, but the thing that catches my eye was Gam staring at a food station. Turns out they're selling.. deep fried oreos? How disgusting, but since he was practically drooling over them, we get them. They're not as bad ad I thought though. It was time to get on rides!


It was around closing time, but we decide to go check out the band on the beach. They were packing up and just as I was about to pull Gam away so we could go home he decides to go ask the guitarist if he has an acoustic with him. He nods and hands him the guitar. Gam sets up on stage, I stand here in the warm sand speechless. People began forming around the stage. Gam began to sing. And the crowd sways to the music as the band joins in as he sings.

Summer has come and passed

The innocent can never last

wake me up when September ends

like my father's come to pass

seven years has gone so fast

wake me up when September ends

here comes the rain again

falling from the stars

drenched in my pain again

becoming who we are

as my memory rests

but never forgets what I lost

wake me up when September ends

summer has come and passed

the innocent can never last

wake me up when September ends

ring out the bells again

like we did when spring began

wake me up when September ends

here comes the rain again

falling from the stars

drenched in my pain again

becoming who we are

as my memory rests

but never forgets what I lost

wake me up when September ends

Summer has come and passed

The innocent can never last

wake me up when September ends

like my father's come to pass

twenty years has gone so fast

wake me up when September ends

wake me up when September ends

wake me up when September ends.

I.. I run up to my boyfriend and kiss him on stage as the song ends. Everyone cheers and screams. As he waves and walks off the stage everyone sighs and demands he stays on the stage for questions. He agrees.

"Who are you?!" Comes from a blonde hair woman

"My name is Gamzee Makara." He smiles.

"Are you always here?" Shouted a tall stranger

"Nah, I decided to do this for my boyfriend." He points at me and I blush "I'm usually at the café down on 5th street.

"Sir! How would you like to perform gets every Friday night?" The manager comes out of the crowd with his hands on his hips. Gam is shocked.. He smiles and looks at me. I nod and he replies with a hell yeah! The crowd went fucking berserk. He decides to sign a few autographs and we run to the car as fast as we could to avoid crowds.. As we head home, Gam sounds so excited that we stop at a had station to get some junk food. We get some licorice, ice cream, soda and some delicious skittles. Gam and I go home eventually and change into our pj's. Gam's consists of sweat pants and no shirt. Mine consists of some of Gam's sweat pants and a baggy green day shirt. We plop down simultaneously with the glass coffee table full of junk at our feet. We end up watching the movie "You're Next" it was alright.


Meh the movies we picked were alright. Nothing really interesting. Let's make this interesting... I pull Karkat closer, and he smiles. I bite his neck softly, but then his phone buzzes on and on. He glares at me and answers it and puts it on speaker.

"What," he growls "Who's calling me this fucking late?!" I hold back a giggle cause he never answers me like that.

"Yo." A monotone of voice responds

"...Dave?" Karkat looks at his phone confused

"Yeah.. Look are you and your dumbass lover busy?"

"No? Why?"

"We need to talk in person. Sollux said something to someone.. I over heard and he saw.. ugh I just need you guys. I'm coming over."

"Oka-" a click was heard. I look at Karkat and scrunch my nose. He forces me to put on a shirt until we heard a knock. Dave then let himself in right as we got to the door. He looks angry and upset. I hand him some soda, Faygo, but he denies it politely. Dave inhales deeply and takes his shades off.

"Sollux said something to some stranger about getting Gamzee out of the picture so he could have Karkat over here for himself. I couldn't see who it was. I tried to follow the strange but he took off. And before I knew it Sollux had me by the neck. He was never one to be violent, but he did say something for me following. He told me that if I ever told you guys or anyone, my life would be ruined. But I decided to come and tell you two anyways." He looks down in shame.

"Well. Now that we know, I don't think it's safe for you to leave." I have never been more serious in my life. He looks at me with a tad bit off hope in his eyes. I smile at him and get up. I show him to the guest room. He sets in, turns out he was going to ask anyways so he had most of his stuff. He gets settled in and we go around the huge home, locking every window and door. We set the alarm. Dave knew mostly everything about the home, so it was a refresh of his memory. We all decide to call it a night. Karkat and I head to our room with a clear mind. Dave passes out as soon as he hits the bed.


¤Dream Time ¤

I lay in my bed.. a hand over my mouth and my throat. I'm kicking... as hard as I can. I can barely breathe.. I'm losing consciousness.. I can feel the black engulfing me with a laugh that will be the last thing I ever hear..

I'm being shook awake by dark red eyes. My bright red eyes shoot open to find Karkat trying to wake me up, while Gamzee is holding me down from freaking and hitting one of us. I stop and sit up in a pool is sweat and fear. I look at them I have never looked or been so afraid in my life. I'm usually such a laid back guy.. But the fear is rolling back in me. I don't know what to do other than sit there in shock and anxiety.. I begin rolling back and forth a bit. They sit down and gently hug me and pat my back. This is barely the beginning of hell as we know it..

Save Yourself (Gamzee x Karkat [human])Where stories live. Discover now