Save Yourself **ENDING**

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  The end of the chaos. Silence. No more zombies. They were dying out. No humans? No animals? No food for them. A blonde man's hair is turning brown. A couple, black hair turning silver slowly. A young girl's thick dark brown hair curling. They had to move from the mall. They couldn't stay there because of the horde. The horde ran through that mall like a black friday. The girl grew up there. But they spent a lot of their time looking for food. Food would not last forever. The young girl named Dakota and the now brunet man named Dave walk down a large street. Filled with broken decaying cars. A rotting stench that they got used to. They're searching. They've been searching for days. For Karkat and Gamzee, the young girl's gay parents. They got separated about 4 days ago. Dakota was getting worried. Dave would soothe her. He looked at her. She reminded him of his wife. His wife died long ago with his daughter. He shot both. Both were bitten by the disgusting zombies. He had no other choice. There wasn't, and still is no cure. He was hopefully going to die of old age. But that poor young girl would grow up alone. Dave saw a jewelry store up ahead. He needed to stop there. Dakota was confused but went along anyways. He opened the broken door and looked around. Hardly anything was touched. He looked at a necklace. One with a large emerald hanging down. He broke the glass, unaware and uncaring for the silent alarm. He put the necklace in Dakota's hand.

"Remember that your mother and fathers will forever be with you. I chose a green emerald because of your eyes. They are the same color as your mothers." And with that. Dakota hugged her uncle. She put the necklace on and walked off. To find her parents.

  A couple miles later, they arrive in an undead town. Zombies. Horde basically. Silently and carefully, the two began to take out the rotting creatures. Dave watched his niece carefully. He wouldn't want the same thing that happened to his family to her. There were too many zombies, but they didn't notice. Slowly being to be surrounded. Closed in on.

  Before they knew it. They were circling, back to back. Taking them out with their guns at this point. They had no other options. But soon, bullets were running out. The worst of situations. Dave ran out first. He began chopping away with a machete. Then Dakota ran out soon after. She hit zombies, one after with her axe. An opening was showing. But it was too small. Too small for two people. They'd have to go one at a time. Suddenly, Dave began to scream. Not out of pain, but as a distraction. He looked at the young brunette. Smiled and nodded. He had a plan. Dakota began to hack up one of the zombies on the ground quickly. She reached down and watched Dave run around. The horde was slowly following him. She smeared the zombies guts as fast as possible. Then she took out a nail bomb that Gamzee taught her how to make. She wound it up and threw it in the middle of  horde. A large explosion. Dave ran back to her. He did the same as her. They fit in now. The zombies stopped following them, confused. They began to scatter. The two walked slowly.

  After walking a bit, a large bell rang out. They stopped in place and looked to a large bell tower. Two figures were ringing the bell, then hopping down to the roof below. They watched the mysterious figures jump roofs and climb across ropes like monkey bars. The figures were now on top of a roof, pointing towards Dave and Dakota. The man pulled out binoculars and looked towards the roof.

  Gamzee on the left, pointing. Karkat on the right frowning. Dave put the binoculars back in his backpack. He mouthed "it's them" to his niece, not wanting to attract attention. They began heading towards the large building.

  The couple on the rooftop had to get down. So, they went in the abandoned building. But what they didn't know was how abandoned it really is. They eventually came across the 13th floor. But as they were walking, something awful awaits. A large bang from a pair of double doors to their right.




  They waited. Guns loaded and ready to fire. A large zombie. The size of a 200 pound linebacker, rushed towards them. They shot. Fired away and stood their ground. The large man dropped. They walked up and shot him numerous times in the head, to make sure he stayed dead.

  45 minutes later, the pairs meet up. The female crying. The men comforting her. But too everyones demise, they were being surrounded once again. From everywhere. No openings. They knew it was their time. They each held one bullet in their pocket. They shot away at the largest herde they ever saw. Things crossing each mind as they got backed into a room.

My mother, thank you for giving me life. My cousin, I'll never know you, but I will still care for you.
My fathers, thank you for raising me even though this is a living hell.
My uncle, thank you for staying strong though you've lost everything.
I love every single one of you

My lover, I appreciate you for saving my life those years ago, but our time is up.
My sister, I miss you. I'll see you soon.
My daughter, thank you for being the best and most beautiful child I ever had.
My niece, I hope you're doing well with your mother.
My brother, thank you for helping us raise Dakota.
I love you all.

My soul mate, thank you for dealing with my shit all these years.
My daughter, you've grown up well and strong and beautiful.
My best friend, I hope you and Sky are waiting for us.
My brother, thank you for being with us all these years.
My niece, I wish I could see you, I will soon.
Love you all.

My wife, I'll be seeing you very soon and I hope to see our daughter as well.
My daughter, I love you ultimately and will see those beautiful blue eyes soon.
My purple eyed friend, you're a wonderful papa.
My crabby friend, you've raised a wonderful girl.
My niece, I've watched you grow up girl.
I love everyone and everything you've all done.


  All shots, at once. No more pain. No more agony. No more bloodshed. Reunited with loved ones once again.

  Up in heaven.

Two gorgeous little girls run around the large home. One with beautiful blue eyes as the sky above them. One with beautiful green eyes as the grass beneath their feet. A loving couple with purple and red eyes sit on the porch smiling and laughing. A loving couple with green and red eyes sit inside, watching a movie. They lived happy and in their youths. The children, having a childhood they never got on earth. The strange eyed color couple, watching their daughter and niece run around. The other strange couple, finding peace from the laughter coming from outside.

A happily ever after.

Save Yourself (Gamzee x Karkat [human])Where stories live. Discover now