Save Yourself part 8 section 3

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Ahh.. what a good morning. Apparently they're making me interview Sollux today since I'm in charge of this case. Ugh man this sucks.. Oh well at least the boys will be there. I'll talk to them all individually and then all at once. But first I've gotta get dressed and head over there and call them in.



I pull my hair up in a tight bun whilst looking at my face in the mirror. My eyes are sunken in more than usual... Oh well. I've gotta get going. I grab my keys snd phone, heading out the door. On my way inside of my office, I call up Dave.

"Hello..?" A groggy voice rasps through the other end

"Dave Strider?" I respond happily

"Who's this?"

"Officer Ferguson. Just a friendly remi-"

"Oh hey! Yeah. I totally remember today. We'll be there in 45 minutes. We're just trying to wake up. Hey, are you busy after today..?" He interrupted me

"Strider, seems you remember me." I give a light chuckle "Well, we'll talk about it."

"Remember you...?" He questions

"Ah crap. Pass the phone to clown boy."

"Yo." A deep voice says

"Gam, I'm sure you remember me." I hopefully said "please inform those imbeciles who I am. Thank you love, and congrats on the marriage. And hurry up. I don't have all day!" I quickly hang up and sigh. Today is gonna be long..


Woah, she remembered us. Hmm well might as well tell those two. I gently pat their shoulders getting their attention.

"Yo, you guys do remember Ferguson, right?"

"No." Strider responded

"Hmm. No." Karkat scowled

"Well, she hung out with John 24/7 back in high school. She always wore a black sweater and black jeans or leggings. John and her were dating or something. They dated all 4 years." I held up 4 fingers.

"Oh..." Dave looked down.

"Yo, idiot. She doesn't have a ring on her finger. Calm down, I'll text her and see what's up." I smile and pat his back.

Me: SuMmEr!

Green Hues: Whatt? Whhere are you guys?

Me: QuIcK qUeStIoN. YoU aRe SiNgLe RiGhT?

Green Hues: Yeahh. Hhurry up. We've gott tto gett tthhis going.

Me: SeE yOu In TeN :0)

I shove the boys out of the door quick and we head over to the station.


Man.. I knew something about that officer was familiar. I've gotta ask her out after this.. Maybe I'll take her to that lovely coffee shop down the street where Gam plays.. Oh yeah! Strider is gonna get a date today!!



Well I just got done interviewing them all. Dave said he wanted to take me somewhere and luckily my shift ends in about 10 minutes. That would be perfect!

"Hey, Summer." I see Dave rubbing his nape.

"Yes?" I shine a smile at him while packing up for the day.

"Um. Are you busy?"

"Dave, you said you wanted to take me somewhere. So no. I'm going wherever we're going silly. Just we've gotta stop at my house quickly." I look him straight in the eyes, piercing through his glasses.

"Oh well.. I thought we could go to the café Gamzee plays at it's a pre-"

"Or," Clown Boy interrupts "we could go to the beach and boardwalk. I've got a gig there later."

"Sounds perfect!" I squeal "to my house we go!" The car ride was pretty silent unless you count Gamzee and I singing like idiots while Karkat had his eyes on his phone and Dave was laughing at us. We finally arrived in about 16 minutes or so. I unlock the doors and they all seem surprised. My house was pretty big considering I live alone. They all plopped down on the couch simultaneously which made me laugh loudly.

"Make yourself at home. I'm gonna go shower and change." I shout from the upstairs balcony right above the living room. They all nod and say yeah.


Well at least Sollux is behind bars for now... we reunited with Summer as well. Pretty good seeing her. Not sure why I didn't recognize those green eyes. They're unforgettable... Oh well. Dave seems excited and he can't keep still. Gamzee is getting ready by practicing and I'm just in the kitchen, drinking water. Man today was weird. Sollux kept looking at the mirror since he knew I was behind the glass watching him. He kept winking and licking his lips... ugh what a creep. All of the sudden Gam picks me up and runs back to the living room. I freak out and hit him in the face. Ugh what a dick. Gam begins to play a song, deciding which one to sing at the gig tonight. I was about to shout at him for being such a clutz but then Summer slides down the staircases railing. She is wearing a pair of black leggings, and a black v-neck. She has her hair down for once, letting her bangs fall wherever they please. It's like she's still in high school. Oh well she looks good and Dave seems to agree by his flushing face. She laughs and we all head off in her '67 black Chevy impala. Dave in the drivers seat, me and Gam in the back. Holy mother of crabs.. Gam isn't wearing that shitty clown make up!!! He looks normal!! Man. Tonight is gonna rock!!

////////// stupid update

There will be an 8.4 and an 8.5 then it moves to chapter 9. God this story is long. I'm exhausted ;^; someone love me. I realized I haven't thrown some smut in there in a whole long time. Oh wellll. Smut is coming soon. I'm surprised I'm keeping this going. Please comment and give ideas. I'm writing this around midnight to 2 AM now. Would you like the story to be long? Or to have it end soon? Any other characters you'd like to see join in? So far we've got Dave, Karkat, Sollux, Gamzee, myself and some John. Don't worry. He'll appear soon. Please comment, it helps me out a lot. Thank you ;3;

Save Yourself (Gamzee x Karkat [human])Where stories live. Discover now