Save Yourself part 8 section 2

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We crept throughout the house and the noises got louder and louder. As I stood there behind Gamzee, we had our weapons raised. I take a peek out of the hallway and see no other than the royal fucking douche. I'm not surprised it's him, but what he's doing is surprising. He's sitting there with my laptop in his hands and his hacking equipment making noises. He flinches every time it beeps. I told Gam to stay back because this was my fight. I quietly and quickly snook up on the man. I raised my bat high and struck hard. Hard enough to knock him out, but not hard enough to kill him. He lay limp on the couch, a loud sigh of relief sounds throughout the flat. I whistle, signaling Dave. I stood there in Gamzee's sweats with no shirt and a bat gripped tightly in my hand. Gamzee had the pistol set down on the counter. Dave's bright red eyes shown under the lights, revealing light circles under his eyes. We all had those circles, some darker than others. I looked at the limp body and frowned. The idiots already knew what to do. Gam put the gun away whilst Dave called the cops. They arrived, waking people up. It was 1:07 AM. A small female cop with short hair tied up cuffed the intruder. Her green eyes lit up and shown a smile towards me. She sat the man on the curb and came up towards us.

"Hello, my name is Officer Ferguson. Do you know this man?" Her voice was quite soothing and relaxing.

"Sadly. Yes." Dave responded quickly. She looked towards him longingly.

"What's his name..." She dragged on.

"His name is Sollux Captor. I'm Dave Strider." His eyes kept contact with the officer. He pointed towards me "That's Karkat Vant- I meant Makara. And that's his husband Gamzee."

"Alright," she questions with a pen and notepad in her hand "Why do you think he did this?" Gamzee explained while Dave and I nodded and added in at points. She smiles and closes the small notepad. She glanced to Sollux and frowned. Looking back at us she became happy once again. "Boys, I will personally be interested in this case. If anything happens at all, you call me. Knowing this information could save your life one day." She scribbled down her personal information and handed it to Dave. "Unfortunately, I cannot give him serious time for harassing you. He's going to be charged, but that might not stop him. Be safe alright. Call me at any hour." She gave us a smile and walked back to Sollux, putting him in the car and drove off. I might as well lighten the mood.

"Well Strider, looks like you hit it off with the officer back there." I smirk

"Yeah. Whatever" Dave scoffs.


Dang that officer WAS flirting like hell. I can't help but think I know her from somewhere... Oh well. At least I know who to contact if something like this goes down again.


Damn.. It was good to see Summer again. She's still curvy. Man I'm half surprised and half not surprised that Karkat and Dave don't remember her. She would always be with John during school. She was there in the small group, but she was quiet. She would always wear black skinny jeans and a black sweater. Never wore anything bright, always black. I think the brightest thing I've ever seen her wear is her police uniform. Hmm. I think I'll bring it up later, but for now... we need to go back to sleep.


Not surprised that those three dimwits don't remember me. I was with John almost 24/7 but I was always silent. Dave sure has grown. He looks so tired now. He wasn't wearing his classic shades to hide his ruby eyes. He looks good.. Hopefully they'll keep it safe.. I cannot believe Sollux would do this though.. I would occasionally catch Gamzee glancing or staring at me. Maybe he remembered me. But I'm glad that clown married crabby. I've known them so well and they trusted me all the time with everything. Even if I was a ticked off person half of the time. They talked to me a lot, but I'm not sure why they don't remember me. Oh well. Hopefully Dave gives me a call soon if he remembers.

------------AUTHOR NOTE

I am pretty upset.. This got deleted by a big glitch and I'm kinda pissed. Oh well. There's going to be a few chapters that are parted up. Guess who's in the story mWUAHAHAHAHAHAH. Its me c: I'm the police officer. Just wanted to add something new since I'm literally winging this. I have no idea where the story is going myself. I'm writing this at 1:30 AM.

Save Yourself (Gamzee x Karkat [human])Where stories live. Discover now