Chapter 49

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YOOO next week, I will be updating THE LAST CHAPTER of this book!! I'm soo excited to share these final chapters with you guys!

I hope you all enjoy them!

Also, don't forget to add The Guarded One on to your reading lists, updates will starts in two weeks!

Thank you

Happy reading!


I take my pale purple sweater from my wardrobe, attempting to slip it on to my expanding body.

Stretchy sweaters are all that fit me right now. I'm only twenty-four weeks pregnant, so my body is going to grow a lot bigger then it is right now.

"Preciosa" Gina calls from the hallway, "Chrissy is waiting for you"

I smile while grabbing Jenny's wrapped present from my desk and my purse. I exit my room to find Gina with a warm smile.

She looks down at my belly "be careful tonight"

"You worry too much Gina" I kiss her cheek before taking a few steps towards the staircase.

"Don't forget, Justine needs tu measurements for wedding" she calls while I begin walking down the staircase.

"Okay okay, I'll call her tomorrow" I assure before arriving downstairs.

There I find Chris, Blake, and Ned with Jenny's gifts in their hands. "We better get a move on, she's meeting us at the restaurant" Blake informs me.

I nod slowly, taking Chris' hand. Suddenly my phone buzzes from my purse. My brows draw together when Jason's name pops up.

My mind goes back to the DNA test we took weeks ago. I remember Chris' dad doing the test and the possibility of Jason and I being related. My stomach knots up, making my heart beat faster.

"Who was that?" Chris whispers in my ear as we walk out of the house.

I force a smile "no one"

I don't need to know the results.

No matter what they say, my father will always be my father.

Not Johnathan Sanders.


We enter the restaurant slowly to find Jenny with a few girls from the cheerleading squad sittings around the table.

"Happy birthday!" I greet Jenny with a hug. Her warm hands shake against the surface of my skin before pulling away. "This is for you" I slowly pass her the gift.

Jenny takes the gift at a speed that I've never seen anyone move to.

I furrow my brows at the girl whose pupils are dilated. "Thanks, Lissie" Jenny grins before hugging Blake.

I twist my body around to face Jenny who greets the boys. She begins talking at a fast paste about something that makes little sense.

"You are cut off" Chris takes her glass out of her hand.

"Its just water" she assured him with a smile.

"Are you ready to order?" The waitress taps her pen against the notepad in her hand.

"Half vegetarian and half pepperoni for Elise and I" Ned orders.

"No anchovies" I beg.

I've been eating anchovies non-stop for weeks now. I think I'm officially sick of them.

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