Chapter 17

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(Hey guys.Just wanna let you know that this chapter might be a bit sad but please read it)

You ran into the hospital due to the news that Jack was awake.You rushed towards the elevator and called it but you were so impatient right now to wait so you ran to the stairs and started to run towards the hospital room where your boyfriend was.

You soon met Leo on the way.
"LEO!"you called as you stopped in front of him.
You breathed as you calmed yourself down.

"Is it true?Is he awake?"you asked.
"Yeah,he's awake but listen,you need to hear
me out first before you go to him,"Leo said,dead serious.

"I am going to the doctor right now,I want you
to hear it too,it's important,"Leo said.

You nodded and followed Leo to the doctor's room.You guys sat down in front of the doctor.
"Doctor,how's he?"you asked.
"Are you his girlfriend?"the doctor asked and you nodded.

"Ok,he's fine.He's healthy.However,"the doctor said,watching his computer.
"However what?Is there a problem?"you asked,worried.

"However,he has an amnesia right now,"Leo said and you frowned.

"When I ask him what year it is,he answered that it was 2015,which means he forgot everything that happened between four years of the time,"the doctor said and you gasped in horror as pain went through your chest.

What if Jack forgot about you?

"So,he doesn't remember anyone who he met during that time?"you asked,hoping that you were wrong.

"Unfortunately,no,"the doctor replied and you almosted black out but Leo supported you.

"But if you show him things that would make
him remember,I believe he would remember
slowly if you did,"the doctor said.

You could barely held your tears in.You stood up and bowed your head down in a polite manner.
"Thank you so much for giving us your time,doctor,"you said and left,hurt.

You quickly walked out of the doctor's office and started to head towards Jack's room.
You need to see him even if he doesn't remember you.

Soon,you reached there and peeked into the room from the small window.You saw Jack wide awake,sitting on the hospital bed as if nothibg happened.He was staring outside the balcony.

Tears flowed down form your eyes.
You wanted to run into the room and hugged him.You wanna tell him how much you love him.

But how would he react when he sees you?
You were scare of that.

You silently cried from the outside of the room,looking at Jack.He doesn't know you anymore and what can you do?

Watching from a distant wasn't what you wanted.You sat down on the bemch near by and cried,hiding your face in your hands.

After about 5 minutes later,a little girl cameup to you and poked you gently.You looked up and looked at the little girl.It was the girl whom Jack saved a few days ago.

"Hey,aren't you that girl who was saved?"you asked and she nodded.Soon,a woman around 33 came up to you.
"Hello,dear.My name's Victoria.This is my
daughter,Sofie,"she greeted.

"Oh,nice to meet you,Victoria.I am (Y/n),nice to
meet you,"you said as you got up.The woman smiled and nodded.

You smiled as you bend down to Sofie's level.
"So,you're Sofie,I am glad to see you safe,"you said as you patted her head gently.The lottle girl giggled,making you smiled a bit.You stood up again.

"Thanks for saving my daughter,(Y/n),"Victoria said.You shook your head.
"No,it's not me who should be thanking.I am not the one who saved Sofie,he is,"you said as you looked into the window again to see Jack,sleeping.

You couldn't help but smiled.
"Oh,I am sorry.Is he alright?"Victoria asked.
"He is fine but he is in an amnesia,"you said,sadly and Victoria gasped.
"Oh my!I am sorry to hear that!"she said.
"It's ok,I am sure Jack is glad by the fact that
Sofie is safe,"you said.

The little girl tapped your coat,making you look down at her.She smiled and handed you a small white bag.
"Oh Sofie,you remember to bring it with you.
I forgot about it!"Victoria said.

"Huh?It is for me?"you asked,confused.
"Yes, long as I remember,Jack dropped this bag while he was about to save Sofie,"Victoria said and your eyes widenef

You took thw bag from Sofie and looked inside.
There was a small note for you.You quickly picked it up and read it.

For (Y/n),the Princess of my Life

Tears started to flow down from your eyes again as you looked into the bag.You saw the most beautiful dress that you have ever seen in your life.

More tears escaped from your eyes as you broke down to the floor.You hugged the bag and the note tightly to you.

You cried and sobbed hardly,not able to hold it in anymore.Sofie latred your shoulder,trying to comfort you.

Leo,(B/f/n) and Lyrica came running up to you,worried.Jack remembered no one except from Leo,his childhood best friend.

You cried and cried notbeing able to handle the pain and sadness you feel.How can you make him remember?

Girl,You Were Meant For Me {Jack Frost X Reader}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें