Chapter 26

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You were in the hospital with Jackson.Both of you got Jack to the hospital since you didn't know what to do when Jack started having a headache of all of a sudden.

You were outside the hospital room where Jack was in right now.You were pretty nervous since Jack saw the key.

Soon,the doctor came out,catching you and Jackson's attention.
"How's he,doc?"Jackson asked to the female doctor.
"He's fine now.But,I need to ask  few questions
to you,"she said and you started to become more nervous.

"What do ya need?"Jackson asked.
"Ok...has he been hit on his head before?"the doctor asked.You and Jacson looked at each other.
"Um...actally,when we were in highschool,he
saved a little girl from being hit by a car and
as a result,he is in amnesia for 4 years by
now,"you explained.

"Oh,that's bad,"the doctor daid,frowning.
"Yea,we know.Isn't there anyway to make him
remember?"Jackson said.
"Hmm...let's wait and watch for now.It seems
that he still has the memories in his mind but
some parts may be missing.Hard to put
together into one.But if you show him things
that would help him remember,I believe there
might be a chance,"she said amd you sighed.
You still weren't ready for this.

"So,how are you two related to him?"the doctor asked.
"Umm...I am his brother and this is his...
girlfriend,"Jackson said,motioning to you.
"Uh huh,I see.Ok,he can go home when he
wakes up but,if something like this happens
again,let me know,"the doctor said.
"Will do,"Jackson said as the doctor left.

You sighed and peeked into the window to see Jack sleeping.
"It started when he saw the key,"you said.
"What key?"Jackson asked.
"It was just a promise we made.He has the
locket and I was the key,"you said.

You let out a bitter hurt chuckle.
"I am such an idiot.What would I say when he
wakes up?Tell him that he had an amnesia and
that we were ina replationship before?"you said to yourself.

"You sound like you are giving up,"Jackson said.
"Why was I supposed to do?I ran away,"you said as your bangs covered your eyes.

Jackson could feel the pure hurt brokeness in your voice.
"Hey,look.Jack would never leave you if you tell
him the truth,"he said.
"I-I need time think,"you said before you ran out of the sight.

Jackson stopped himself from running after you since he knew you were right.Both you and Jack need time.

He went into the hospital room and sat by Jack's side.
"Guess that Love really is complicated.Note not
to mess with it,"he mumbled to himself.
Just then,he jumped when a certain someone spoke up out of blue.

"So,what are you two exactly hiding from me?"

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