Chapter 29

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You were walking around the town alone.You haven't seen Jack or Jackson or their friends for this week.You were working fine at Ban's shop and his shop has much customers now.

You were walking until there was a yell heard from behind far from you.
You turned your head to see a man in black running in your direction.Everyone around you moved out of the way,screaming while you stood there still,looking at the thief.
"Hey you move out of the way!"he yelled,
pointing a knife at you as he got closer.
He had a purse which you designed and got it sold on the global fashion contest.Obly the rich would hold that purse.

Your eyes narrowed as he got closer and closer.
"Hey I said get out of the way!"

Your pov,

I got annoyed as the man yelled at me.
I snickered and formed a fist in my hand.
The man got closer as he aimed the knife at me.

Too bad for him,I wasn't the same weak girl.
The fact that the robber was with my limited purse that I designed actually,pissed me off.

IS STEALING MY DESIGN!"I yelled as I turned around,swinging my leg.

Successfully,I kicked the knife out of his hand and my fist roughly ended on the man's cheek.
Turns out that it managed to become the strongest punch I ever did in my life so the man fell down back,stumbling.

I snickered again.I knew wearing jeans would make me proud.
Then,another man has just caught up,panting along with a beautiful woman in middle age who has dressed very colourfully,mostly in green.

Seems that she was the owner of the purse.
I grabbed the purse from the man and handed it to her.
"I guess this belong to you,better be careful
with that,it was limited,wasn't it?"I said.
"Yes.Oh,thank you,thank you so much,how did
you stop this thief?"she said as she took the bag.

I smiled at her.
"Black belt,"I said and the lady smiled.She has long black beautiful hair.
"You-you look familiar.Do I know you?"she asked,returning to her graceful self.
"Probably in fashion magazines,"I mumbled but she heard.
"Excuse me?"she asked.
"I am (Y/n),"I said and she smiled.
"I am Toothina,nice to meet you,"she said as you shook your hands with her.

"Nice to meet you too,Miss Toothina,"I said,
smiling warmly.
"Anyway,let us go to a cafe near by so I can
thank you in a proper way,"Toothina said.
"Oh,no,it's fine really.I have to go the market to
buy some food,"I said,I want to cook somethibg for Jack.Her smile brightened.

"Oh,I am heading to the market too,shall we go
together?!"she said.
That would be great plus I get a new friend.
"That would be lovely,"I said and she clapped excitedly before turning to the man behind her.

"You can go back first,I will call you after I have
finished,"she said.
"But ma'am-"
"Come on,(Y/n),let's go!"Toothina yelled as she hook her arms around me and we started walking towards the market.I couldn't help but laugh as we started shoping together.

For a while,I stopped thinking about Jack as I go shopping with Miss Toothina.It was so much fun.

Soon,we ended up in the cafe,chatting random things together.Already we've become great friends.
"So,what do you work as,(Y/n)?"Toothiba asked.
I didn't want to lie to her so guess,I am gonna tell her the truth.

"Actually,I am  fashion designer,singing is part of the hobby,"I said and she gasped as she pointed a finger at me.
"Oh my god,now I recognize you!You are
Rachael!The world's famous greatest fashion
designer!"she said,smiling brightly.

"Shhh!"I said,holding a finger to my lips.
Tooth mouthed sorry.
"Rachael,I can't believe I finally got to meet
you!I am your biggest fan!"Toothina said.

"That's sweet,Miss Toothina,I am glad to know
that,"I said and we started talking about fashion for hours.

Then,Miss Toothina's phone was ringing.
"Oh,excuse me,hello?"Toothina said.
I looked out of the window and started thinking about Jack again.
"Ok,ok.I will be there,bye,"Toothina said and I turned back to her.

"(Y/n),it's so great to meet you but,I have to go,
can we meet again?"Toothina said and I smiled.
"Sure,Miss Toothina!If you wanna meet,here's
my number,"I said as I handed her my card.
She took it and smiled excitedly at me.
"Thanks!I see you later,bye!"Toothina said as she lefr waving at you.

You smiled and waved back before leaving the cafe.

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