Preparing for the Funeral pt1

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NCIS wanted to host Alice's funeral, but you told them no. However, they did send me money for the burial plot, the flowers, reservation, and food. You divided the money equally between the items. That way everything could be paid for by NCIS. Or at least parts of it. Alice's father was distraught when he heard the news.

He wanted to see the offender, but your agency and his agency wouldn't let him. How typical of them. For the next few days, Peter came over to make sure you were eating, sleeping, and doing some physical activity. (I cannot spell exercise for the life of me. I can spell begrudgingly, but not exercise.)

Tonight, you slept fine. Ish. You slept for a total of five minutes. That was your record so far. After her death of course. You were shortly awoken by a nightmare that scared the living heck out of you. Peter rushed in to ask what it was but it scared you too much for you to tell him.

The Red Book.

You remembered where you'd seen it while you were asleep. When you were with your old unit, before you got moved, you were working on that mission. To find it. To extract missions. But to burn the words that would trigger the Winter Soldier. The assassin. The somewhat mythical villain that had been seen, then would disappear, only to strike again.

Your nightmare:

You were holding the file, looking at the picture of the book. Weathered red leather, with a black inky star on the cover. The pages were full of cursive, sometimes hastily written, other times it was neat, and orderly. Those were the pictures shown. A guess of what the book might look like. A small excerpt of what missions we knew of was what was on the pages.

Suddenly, glass shattered outside the office you were in. Knowing there was little cover, you crawled into the vent that was by the desk. Quickly, you put the vent cover on, and you crawled back as far as you could. You hit a corner by accident. Luckily, it didn't make a loud noise. You hid by the corner and slowed your breathing.

"The file has been previously opened. Look for someone in the building. Now." A man commanded. Two pairs of boots ran out the door. One pair walked over towards the desk. Near the vent. "Examine it." The same man ordered. You held your breath. You slowly mad your way backwards. Then you stopped. A vent was nearby. This one lead to Fury's office. You kicked it open and shimmied out. Only to bump into the Winter Soldier. You watched, your neck get snapped in his glasses. Then you woke up.

According to Peter, you were crying. Being the person he is, Peter ran into the bedroom to make sure you were alright. He asked what scared you but you wouldn't tell him. It would expose your identity. He sat on the bed next to you. Just knowing he was here made you feel better. He wrapped his arms around you, kissed you on the head, and he just laid there with you. Quietly. Observing the room. Listening to his breathing was oddly calming, and it made you feel safe.

Sorry it's short. I've been busy. But I would love it if you all could just wait a little longer for a steady flow of updates. I wish I had some art for you but... I don't.
I'll just give you this cute little duckling instead!!!

 I'll just give you this cute little duckling instead!!!

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Isn't this the cutest thing ever?
I wanna draw it.
But I won't do it justice.


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I want to smell this. Like, will it smell like book? Or will it smell like mold. Wet books actually end up growing mold if you don't take care of it, that's why I'm curious. If it smells like ink, and paper, then hit me up.

***me: sprays it all over the room
***me: inhales deeply
***me: I love it.

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