Nasty River

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I need this shirt. ~AMBER 👌😂

Y/n POV: You ran from the fight. Of course, you knew that if you ran they wouldn't find the book. Heck, you escaped from S.H.I.E.L.D. Fury knew your whereabout though, but nobody can escape from him. Later on, you found out that the Avengers had defeated everyone, and Kingpin was sent to the Big House. It was a jail where villains were shrunk using PYM PARTICLES, and kept in there. Guards were also shrunk and tended to the prisoners.

You took a break from running after realising that it was dark outside. You don't know how long you were running, or where you were, but the book was safe. That's all that mattered.

You fell asleep on the ground, curled up to retain and create heat. You woke up, only to be pursued by HYDRA agents. Typical. Luckily Spider-Man showed up and helped you. His suit helped him blend into the surrounding area so he was harder to see. Both of you spent the entire time running and hiding. Finally, the two of you made it out of the forest that was somehow undisturbed, and you could see the city. Of course you could. The two of you were on a mountain. Don't ask how. Later, Spider-Man found some edible berries and you guys snacked on those. He had a few energy bars, and you had a water filter.

"So, how did we get to the top of a mountain?" You asked. He stretched and shook his head.

"I dunno. But we'd better get into the city. Do you know ASL?" He asked.

"A little. Letters and a few other words. Why?" You queried.

"W. A. T. C. H. E. D." He signed.

"W. H. E. R. E." You signed back.

"T. R. E. E." He paused, made sure he was right, then continued. "O. N." He paused to let me know there was a space.  "Y. O. U. R." He paused again. "L. E. F. T." He finished.

You nodded, and stretched. You silently grabbed a small silent gun, and before anyone could stop you, you shot the general area of the spy. Luckily, the bullet caused a large explosion. You yawned as you headed over to the destruction zone.

Peter's POV : Turns out, the spy was a robot. I hate it when villains have cooler technology then me. Or felines. We made our way down the mountain with surprising speed and beautiful coverage. We probably covered about... Oh half of the mountain by the time it was 5:00 p.m. We didn't talk unless we decided to take a break, or the bathroom. I'm telling you one thing... If you ever travel with Misty, uh.... The cat, you won't have to stop to go pee as often as you think.

I probably stopped about seven times. She stopped. Oh, I don't know... Two. Either she was trained for this, she's got a big bladder, or she's holding it. If it's the first one, I might have to learn how to do it. It would come in handy if I ever went on a reconnaissance mission, or I got kidnapped.

When it was about 10:00 we were again pursued by these irritating brats. Honestly, I would rather be sleeping in a 2 star hotel/motel than be pursued by mindless, rude, monsters. It pained me to think how many of them have left their families. Or if they were taken. Some of these guys looked younger... Height-wise. If children had been taken from their families to be raised and disposed of, then I had a matter of business to attend too.

We were fighting on the docks by the river, and we his in the dark. Misty had been grazed by a bullet on her leg. "Go get help!" She spat. "Just let me bandage it up and-"

"No! Get help. You're faster, you're stronger, people trust you!" She pointed out. "... I have a better idea. We can hide. We don't have to show ourselves. We can wait it out." I suggested. "Are you crazy?!" She yelled. "Duck." She commented in a neutral tone before I could speak. She shot a guy in the chest, and a few others in the arm, leg, or head.

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