Dating Ruby includes...

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Dating Ruby would include;
* Always insisting on holding your hand.
* The two of you both aren't into major PDA but a quick kiss here or there.
* If Ruby is forced into looking after the twins he will call you to help out.
* The twins would instantly love you.
* Ruby's dad welcomes you to the family quickly.
*Rubys mom was a bit harder, she only wants the best for her son but after a while she would come round.
* Ruby's abuelita loves you.
* when the two of you are in class you'd catch him staring out you. (Which you find adorable)
* "caught you"
* "what?"
* "you were staring"
* "can you blame me"
* He would compliment you when you were down.
* Him just being a complete sweet heart
* Ruby would also be insecure as he thought you could do better then him
* He tried to never let you know he thought that but you knew and you always tried to get rid of those doubts
* "his so much better then me"
* "Yeah and I can read minds"
* "what?"
* "I thought we were saying things that were impossible"
* when it come to the crew the hardest person to win over was Cesar. You thought it would have been Jamal but Monse and him were happy about it.
* Having a talk with Cesar about why he was off with you, he just wants to protect Ruby whether that's physically or emotionally.
* Cesar eventually accepting you after realising you truly do love Ruby.
* Ruby and you would match your outfits for such things homecoming and prom.
* When the two of you started dating Jasmine would annoy you but you grew to love her.
* Jasmine also learned to respect Ruby and yours relationship.
* You realised like most people she just wanted Ruby to be happy.
* When Ruby would stay at yours the two of you would watch movies until the sun started to come up.
* nicknames for one another, this could range from simple ones to completely embarrassing ones.

Hope you guys enjoyed

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