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Matthews POV

I was currently back in Amanda's house, laying on my bed

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I was currently back in Amanda's house, laying on my bed. At 12:35am in the morning...I feel guilty. Very guilty. I never not once fought with my sister... She's my princess. Before bailey came to my life, Madi was the only girl I cared about. Second to my mom.

After letting those thoughts pass by me, I decided on apologizing to Madi and Van...I feel bad. Especially hurting Vance.

I walked out my room, heading to Madi's room.

Knock knock knock.

"Bailey, I'm fine, I really am. It's okay. You already checked on my 15 times. I'm okay..." she said through the door.

Thank you bailey...

"Uh. It's actually me..." I said slowly opening the door.

"Matthew, I don't want to talk to you.." she said..it hurt, but her saying my first name stings...

"Madi, please. I'm sorry" I said.

"Matthew you know what you did to Van he didn't do anything to you!!! W-What if you lost bailey?! Huh? How would you feel? O-Or What if I slapped and beat up bailey? Would you be happy?! No! You wouldn't Matthew! I trusted you, too trust me..." she said, tears falling for her cheeks. And pure hatred in her eyes...


"Don't Madi me! Until you accept my relationship with Vance I won't accept you being my brother. So right now. Concider me as the girl you know. No longer your sister....S-So Get out." She said, avoiding eye contact with me...

I took her words as a cue for me to leave....she was right. If that was bailey. I would be fuming at her... I deserve this. But I still can't get myself to trust Van with my sister...

"It's going to be okay..." a soft voice said from behind me.

I turned around seeing the light in my darkness...bailey.

"I lost her.." I said, wrapping my arms around her waist and hugging her with my life.

"You didn't, she's just disappointed with you matt... she loves Vance. And her seeing two of the most important guys in her life fight, is a horrible site to see... Make this right Matt. I know you can." She said

"How bailey? I can't even look at her without feeling so much guilt, how much more towards Van?" I asked, desperately...

"I know you Matt. You always know what's right. You've known Madison longer then you knew me. And trust me, you know exactly how to make me feel loved and happy. What more towards Madi? I believe in you. So believe in yourself" she said softly pressing her lips on my cheek and heading back in her room...

I had to make this right. Not for Vance, not for bailey, not for me, but for Madison, my sister...


I spent all night staying up, and planning my apologies towards Madison and Vance.

"Good morning!" Bailey said, rushing towards my room.

" morning, beautiful." I replied cuddling with her.

"How are you? You look like an almost dying zombie..." she said, trying to hold back her laughter..

"Oh shut it. I stayed up all night, planning my next moves to apologize to madi and Vance." I said.

"Well, it's not about the planning. It's about how much you mean the apology...If you feel guilty about hurting Madison, then that shouldn't be the reason why you're apologizing. It would be about you not wanting to lose her. If you truly need her in you're life. Make her feel that way." She said..

"I wouldn't know how much I would be suffering if you weren't here."I said and placed a soft kiss on her neck.

"Anything to help." She said, her face beet red.

I chuckled a laugh, seeing how much I make her flustered.

"I need to Go, I'm apparently cooking with Carter and Amanda, will see you later." She said before kissing me in the cheek.

I hopped back in bed, trying to think of ways I can make sure this plan works...



I was about to knock on vans door, but not until I heard voices...

"-Vance...I love my brother. Maybe just maybe, if he truly doesn't accept us, we shouldn't be together..." a girl voice said, presuming as it's probably madis

"Madison...why? I thought we would work this out? I thought you would fight for us." He replied

"I do,I love you. You know I've been in love with you for 4 years now...but if it means loosing my brother through this love. I can't Vance. I really can't..." she said in between sobs.

"I respect your decision. But just so you know, I will fight for you Madison. I will. No matter how much I get beat up by your brother. I'm ready for it. I love you. And I'm not willing to lose you that quickly." He said calmly, lasing pure determination in his voice

This was it. Maybe this is a signal that I should accept their relationship...maybe this is what I've been worrying about.

I was worried about my own sister forgetting about me. And replacing me with another man.

I opened the door, slowly peaking in.

"I support you." I said, looking at both of them.

"I really do...." I added

"Matt, if this is out of pity, don't." Madi said

"No! It's not. Look, I admit I was afraid of getting replaced by Vance, okay? For the whole 17 years of your life, I was your knight and shining armour. I was the one who protected you and I was the one who heal you...and maybe I got overwhelmed thinking Van was going to take that brotherly role form me. And trust me. I'm always and forever going to be your knight and shining armour. Not Vance. He can be anything els but that. Oh, and also your big bro." I said

"Thank you!" She said and hugged me

"I'm sorry.." I said

"And Vance. I'm deeply sorry for beating you. I really didn't mean it" I said, man hugging him.

"It's no biggie man. If it's what it takes to get Madison then it's what I'll get through" he said

"Anyways, we better get going. I had a date today with Madison but she called me up here before we where going to go. I will see you around bro" he said, doing our handshake

"I love you" Madi said

"Love you more" I replied

They walked out the room and headed downstairs....

"Hey" a soft voice said from behind me

"You have got to stop sneaking up on me" I said, smiling

"So, I take that the plan worked?" She asked

"Better then I imagined" I said hugging her

"Thank you.." I whispered

"For what?" She questioned

"For believing in me...I never thought till now I would have a girl I truly like, believe in me. Because sometimes, I forget to believe in myself. I always depend on others to do So. But they never do. Not until you came..." I trailed off, before crashing my lips with hers...


Sorry, this was a short and crappy, chapter. Will update somewhat in the next days or so. Cya!

Happy reading!

Teaser: let her go...

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