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Lexi 🔝

The next day

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The next day...

Baileys POV

"Did you eat?" Blair asked.

"I don't feel like eating..." I mumbled.

"Come on. Please. You haven't ate anything for the past 7 hours." She said, clearly irritated.

I took the bowl of soup and started eating it...

"How are you?" I asked.

"What, me? I'm okay." She replied.

"How about that josh guy." I said

"Same old..." she replied..

"I'm sorry I couldn't do the plan... I was caught up with problems..." I apologized.

"It's okay...I mean I'm grown up now. I can handle it." She said.

I weakly smiled.

"Continue eating...I will be downstairs if you need anything." She said closing the door of her room.

Yes. I slept in her room...I would sleep anywhere els rather then his room...

Knock knock knock.

"Blair, I'm fine. You checked on me just 10 minutes ago." I whined.


That voice...that masculine, soft voice...

"Get out." I snapped. Not looking towards the door.

"Beau-bailey...please...talk to me...I will explain everything.." he pleaded.

"You had the chance to explain it to me yesterday. You had your fucking chance." I said, blinking rapidly to lessen my tears.

"And I blew it! I know...I'm sorry. I really didn't mean it. It was a bad day And the wrong time. Please just let me explain." He said.

I closed my eyes and took sharp breaths...

"Matt...she needs time to herself. Just let her go for now. She wants time to think." Blairs voice appeared.

I sighed in relief, tears escaping.

"I'm ready to talk if you are...I will wait." He said before Blair shoved him out the room.

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