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Baileys POV

Baileys POV

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"Bailey. Common! Please?" Lexi asked.

"I really can't come. I have a date with Matt." I tried explaining, for the 5th time...

"Can't it wait?..I mean I really need your support here! It's my celebration! And I even extended my trip just for you! Please?" She asked from the other line...

"It's okay. You can go with that Lexi girl. As long as I'm with you?" Matt said.

I smiled gratefully to him...I love this guy.

"Thank you" I mouthed.

He simply nodded and gave me a heart melting smile.


"Shut it whiny pants, I'm going Okay? And since you ruined my date night with my man he's coming with." I said giggling through the phone.

"yay! Okay I will see you two there." She said and ended the call.

It was 5:45pm in the evening and me and Matt where supposed to go to dinner together but Lexi called and said she wanted to plan a party tonight for her company's new branch here in bora bora...

"You going to change?" He asked.

"Yep" I said walking to the closet.

I picked out a black short dress fitted with some black strap heals, I did my hair into wand curls and applied make up.

I picked out a black short dress fitted with some black strap heals, I did my hair into wand curls and applied make up

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