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Matthews POV.

Feeling someone tapping me, I opened my swollen eyes

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Feeling someone tapping me, I opened my swollen eyes...seeing bailey...

"G-Get up." Her soft voice said. She wasn't look at me...

I did as told and once I put my hand on the floor, I winced in pain as I felt something sting on my left hand. I looked and saw my dry bloody hand, good thing it's not swollen...

"Sit on the chair." She said pointing to the chair beside her desk.

I sat down, and looked at my hand. I then looked back at where bailey was and I saw her cleaning the bloody floor.

"I-I'm Sorry. I-I should be cleaning that." I said, looking down in embarrassment.

"Whatever" she replied coldly.

I deserve this...

"If you don't want me here, I can leave." I said, respecting her privacy.

She stayed silent and soon I stood up.

"What did I tell you? I told you to sit down. So sit" she snapped.

"Okay" I replied.

She came to me where she took out a first aid kit. She wiped my busted knuckles with the disinfecting wipes and then bandaged it. I looked at her the whole time, and her not once looking at me...

"I'm done." She said letting go of my hand.


"If you're planning on punching more floors, don't punch mine. Because in the end of the day. I'm the one that has to clean it up." She said, her voice breaking in the end.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"I forgot my lap top." She said, still not raising her head, which made me not see her face...

"Oh" I replied.

She stood up and grabbed her lap top. Put it in her bag and started walking to the door. Before she left. She looked at me, her eyes where blood shot red. Her face was tired and overall she was hurt.

"Go home and sleep and eat. You need it...rest your hand. Don't use it. I ate this morning. Cereal. Fruit loops." She said, looking at me with an emotionless face. But the tears running down her face wasn't just nothing...

"Okay." I replied looking away. Her eyes made me want to burry myself. Her whole face wanted me to kill myself. And her in general wanted me to tear my heart out of my chest.

Soon hearing the door open and close, I looked up seeing she left...

~~~Baileys POV~~~

Closing that door, was the hardest thing I had to do. He was alone. Hurt. And most definitely crushed. I was going to comfort him. I was going to hug his emotions away. But I couldn't. I couldn't even look at him. Let alone hug him. He hurt me. And maybe he has a reason for that but...until I know what it is. I have the right to be mad at him....

Soon walking towards my car, I hopped inside and drove back to my place.

Knock knock knock

"Come in" I said.

"Bailey, did you eat?" Julie asked.

"I didn't..." I said truthfully.

"Here, I bought this for you. Please eat it." She said handing me some Mc Ds.

"Thank you, and I will eat." I said still not looking at her.

"You've been working all day. Close the lap top and eat. I would rather have you reading a book, rather then you working your ass off" she said.

"Okay" I replied, and closed my computer.

"I-...I will see you later..." she said, closing the door.

I couldn't talk to her, I couldn't talk to anyone... seeing the food. grabbed it and started eating. I grabbed The book after, and just started re reading it...

~~~Julie's POV!~~~

Call with carter on speaker phone.

"Carter?" I asked.

"Hey, sweetie. Need anything?" He questioned.

"Im just wondering. Are you with Matthew right now?" I asked.

"Actually I am. He's not in good shape." He replied.

"So is bailey..." I trialed off.

"Look, do you know what happened between them?" I asked.

"I actually don't. Matthew came home just 5 hours ago, and he hasn't talked or eaten ever since. " he answered. Sighing...

"Do you think we should do something about that?" I asked.

"Yes. We should." He agreed.

"Okay so...."


End call.

After taking with him for another 30 minutes. I ended the call and the plan was set. Bailey. Matthew. Get ready because Cupid's on Its way!


it's short, I know. But! the next chapter is going to be sooooo much more eventful and exiting. Trust me.

Happy reading!

Teaser: plan attempt #1

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