Chapter 7

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 "Annaaaaa! You coming or what! How long can you stay in the toilet!" Lara groaned reproachfully.

Anna giggled and, adjusting her make-up once again, hurried to the exit.

"Ready!" she reported to her friend, making a comic soldier's gesture.

Lara beamed and caught her by the arm. "I have so much to tell you!" she exclaimed, but the club music practically muffled her voice.

Girls rushed to the dance hall, asking each other every phrase on the move and endlessly exchanging friendly jokes.

It was a magnificent night. Dances till the morning. A flow of continually changing new acquaintances. Unintelligible, meaningless dialogues. Anna loved those nights when you could forget about studying, endless exams, work. Mark...

Anna shook her head as if trying to shake off the surging memories, but it did not help much.

"One more dance?" she called out to her friend.

"What?" all attention of Lara was occupied by the tall blonde lad. He was assuring her about his love, under his assumption, forever.

"I will dance again!" Anna shouted.

"Ah! Good! I'll be right here!"

"Okay!" Anna hurried to the dance floor, which was now for her a magic circle, where among the avant-garde sounds of contemporary electronic music, you could forget how bad you feel.

It was only one of a considerable number of revelry nights that became an obligatory part of the girl's new life rhythm. A peculiar method of suppressing obsessive, depressive states through dances and parties is a popular method among youth, effective and actual. Restoration through degradation. A universal solution all over the world.

You cannot forget, but you can ignore. It won't hurt you less, just as it won't hurt you more.

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