Chapter 10

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"To write or not to write—that is the question."

Anna looked thoughtlessly at her laptop's monitor, not daring to send a request to add to friends.

"Randall Parleo, Randall Parleo," she muttered feverishly. "Silly me! Randall Parleo. Randall Parleo."


A request was sent.

"Why did I do that?" the girl squeaked.

As she later believed, it was not just a request, but she wrote the lamest intro about who she was and what she wanted from him in the additional note.

"Randall, you're so adorable. I already love you and want a billion children from you." she tried to translate into the language of polite strangers as "Hi, Randall, my name is Anna. I'm a friend of Puck and accidentally saw your profile. Puck told so many amazing things about you. I just consider it an honor to get to know you."

Anna gulped because it wasn't a minute later, the request was approved, and an introductory "Hello" with an emoji from Randall Parleo popped up.

She felt sick. Not from the fact that he responded so quickly and added her, but from how naively she began to think from the moment she saw his photo on the social network.

She knew this mind-numbing feeling of infatuation based on a physical attraction, and it did not please her. Prudent, usually calm, Anna reread the word "Hello" for the tenth time, believing that this short message connected her with the love of all her life.


"Hi! I am Anna!" she typed again.

With the love of all her life?... 

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