Chapter 69

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They drove in silence. Teo knew that if either of them said a word, there would be an explosion. And he wasn't sure he could control his emotions right now.

He kept replaying the conversation scene with Randall in his mind when he came up to him on the platform while Anna was talking to Bernardo.



"Hello again, Teo."

"I came to get the girl."

"Not for the first time."


"I said it's not the first time you've come to get the girl," Randall said with a bitter grin.

Teo's eyes flashed.

"It's not the first time you've screwed up so much that people who truly love you run out of your life."

"Really. You're an angel. Rich and famous. How could anyone not love you?"

"Randall, you're ridiculous."

"Anna's not going anywhere with you, Teo. I want her to stay with me. Be a man, and without any scandals, just bring her things and documents."

Teo smiled and answered:

"You want? What does Anna want? Listen to me carefully, Randall. We both know you don't love her, and before you took her down the notch with your childish adventures, you better shut your mouth right now. Anna's coming with me, and if you try to stop me in any way, I'll turn your face to mush right here. You feel me?"

Randall was about to pounce on Teo, but they both looked at Anna, who was being crushed in Bernardo's arms, and restrained themselves.

"Don't humiliate her with your behavior, Randall."

"Poor Teo, you don't know what to do to make her notice you—neither the songs nor the money help, huh? I bet it makes you sick to think that she loves me, such a poor, simple fellow."

Teo grabbed Randall's arm, careful not to let the audience see, and said:

"Listen, you poor, simple fellow. I have absolutely no interest in what you're talking about, but I'm warning you that today is the last time you're gonna mess with my relationship with Anna. Stay away from me if you value your teeth."

"She loves me," Randall said through his teeth. "You can't change that, no matter how much you threaten. Just remember, you can't force yourself to be loved."

"You selfish! Look at her! What can you give her? You don't feel anything for her, and that's just low. Let her go. She deserves better. At least act like her real friend. You tell her you're friends, right?"

With that, he let go of Randall's cast, and they both went to Anna and Bernardo.

Teo pulled up outside the house and, as Anna got out of the car, started the engine and drove off in an unknown direction.

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