Chapter 24

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And hard it was. The whole company, for a few hours more, has been loitering along and across the dam with boiled corn and potato chips in hands. Anna's fingers ached from the weight of the suitcase. The guys tried so hard to joke, but everyone knew that this couldn't go on like that anymore.

"Finally!" Bernardo cried out suddenly, pulling the ringing phone out of his pants and answering it.

"Who's that?" Anna asked in a whisper, not taking her eyes off the Italian-speaking Bernardo.

"Have no idea," Randall shrugged. He was all sweating.

After a few minutes of emotional conversation and endless 'Grazia, Grazia,' a cheered Bernardo turned to the guys and rattled:

"So, losers, I'll save you! We're going to Lecco. My friend knows another friend who has a lady friend who has a place for us to sleep!"

"What?" Randall frowned incredulously. "Do you know this lady friend?"

"No, Randy, but I know she has a place, and that's all I want to know right now. Come on. The bus is leaving in fifteen minutes. I would like not to miss it. Otherwise, we will be waiting for another two hours. Move on!"

"Following the instructions of Bernardo is in the highest degree uncomfortable," Anna giggled, obediently following Bernardo ahead of her.

"We go to our end," Randall joked.

They reached the station and found the right bus with no problems. There were almost no people, so they easily located immediately on several seats.

"Is Lecco a beautiful city?" Anna asked.

"It stands on the banks of Lake Como in the Bergamo Alps," Randall held out thoughtfully, looking off into the distance.

"What city in Austria are you from?"

"From the capital, Vienna. Do you know?"

"Of course, I do," said Anna. "Will you take me there sometime?"

"And me?" Bernardo put in, his eyes falling in love.

"You're so ugly with that grimace!" Randall threw the bag at him.

Everyone laughed.

"You just don't love me, you callous fool!" Bernardo shouted, dodging the blows.

Anna clung to Randall and closed her eyes. Fatigue broke her. She was driving to an unknown place. It felt like she was some kind of hobo. She hadn't been in this situation before, but it was comforting to have Randall around. And yet, she thought back home. To a state of stability and constancy. A feeling that only... Mark gave her... 

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