Chapter 86

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The first thing Anna did when she left the principal's office was to text Mark. Fate was giving them a chance to meet again because she was coming to London soon.

They corresponded now by email because of Mark's girlfriend's long nose and his constant employment, and only in a friendly and polite way.

The expectation of receiving a reply by letter seemed to be even worse than continually checking the messenger. Anna nervously put the phone in her pocket, knowing that the news response would not come soon.

And indeed, the answer tarred as much as a week. Anna had already forgotten about it. Life events did not give her a chance to writhing with boredom. She was passing her driving license exams, studying in absentia on the faculty of philosophy, walking six dogs of her neighbor out of sincere kindness and for the sake of squeezing several minutes for rest while they perform their canine affairs.

The answer from Mark came late at night. With her feet up against the wall, Anna was reading "Pride and Prejudice," sighing and asking the Universe why it had not given her the same Mr. Darcy. As soon as the notification rang, Anna read it and beamed. The smile slowly but surely faded from her face, as she was reading the e-mail:

"Hi, Anna! Wow, that's news! What does it all mean? Meteoric career growth? You didn't write any details! What is the job? How? Where? I need all the details! And I hurry to share news, too! On October 12, I have a wedding! I was planning on writing to you, but you beat me to it. It doesn't matter, though. Emilia and I invite you to the ceremony, and you have no right to refuse! The colorful invitation should be in your mailbox any day now, and I hope you don't let me down and come. I need your support! Who would have thought! I'm getting married, hehe! Text me. I'll nervously check my mail every day. Kisses, Mark."

"Who would have thought..." Anna murmured.

She stared at the screen, trying to understand her emotions. What was this, a joke of fate? A wedding? In a flash, she remembered all the dreams, all the memories about her relationship with Mark. Her dreams of marriage with him, children, a happy family life.

She thought nothing about Mark could hurt her. In his time, he extinguished her love effectually, so she was at her ease, and it would be silly to react to anything at all. And yet, she felt pain. Hurt feelings, resentment. Spite. Even some hatred for him and his lady at that moment.

She just sat there, aware of what she was feeling.

"No way. Just unbelievable!" she barked and began to type a brief reply.

"Mark! Congratulations! Of course, I'll be at your party! About work and other things, we will talk upon my arrival, long to write. See you later, Anna."

"Unbelievable," Anna commented rather on her own condition.

She didn't want to read or do anything else that day.

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