𝗔 ; JinHyo #1 - the old us

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"Ugh, I don't want! I want to stay here!" Jihyo shouts.

So sudden her family wanted to move back at Korea. She much prefer stay in London than Korea. She just doesn't want to meet him.

"Oh, c'mon Jihyo. It's not the right time for you to do things like this," Jimin said.

"Who are you to tell me this? I don't want to move!" Jihyo keep on shouting.

"You're so selfish! You doesn't want to go back to Korea cause of Jin hyung, right? Well, he won't remember you!" Jimin let out his anger and step out the room.

He just had enough of her sister behaviour. Jihyo frown and groan.

"Jihyo packed you things now." Her dad said right in front the door.

Want or not she still need to pack her things.


"Wow, our home here is much better than at the London." Jimin said.

Jihyo rolled her eyes, "London still better. This home doesn't have any specialities."

"Be selfish again. You don't think dad will be mad at your own behaviour?" Jimin mad.

"Okay but who's older now? Me or you? I am right? So shut up." Jihyo said and went up with her bags to pick room. ( Sorry but in this story, Jihyo older. )

"What's wrong with her? Their dad suddenly appears.

"A-ah, Jihyo in a bad mood cause that." Jimin lied and quickly ran upstairs but stopped when he saw Jihyo's suddenly dressed up.

"Yah yah. Where do you think you going?" Jimin step inside her bedroom.

"You sees me like I'm going to club? No right? I'm going out. I need fresh air from this stupid country." Jihyo took her cap.

"Wait, I wanna join."


"Don't you wanna try this?" Jimin look at her.

"No. I want to drink something fresh. Let's go inside this Café instead."

"So, where are we going after this?" Jimin asked.

Jihyo backed up. "I don't─"

Jihyo quickly went silent when she sees Mina and Jin here.

"What are you loo─"

"Yah, let's go." Jihyo pulled his hand.

"Why so quick? We just sat down."

"Um, Jihyo?"


Just by her familiar voice Jihyo could tell who is it. It's Mina's.

"Jihyo? It's you!" She said cutely.

"Mina! It's have been long time we didn't met." Jihyo act like she's happy.

Well, she is happy meeting back her close friend but not until she see Jin.

"Well, I don't know you're back at Korea. I really missed you. Oh and, meet Jin. Jin, Jihyo, Jihyo Jin." Mina show her gummy smile.

"A-ah, hello. I'm Jihyo. This is my damn annoying brother, Jimin." Jihyo smiles but frown when she sees Jimin is technically flirting with Mina.

"You idiot, stop." Jihyo spank his head.

"Can we sit here too? I mean, it's have been a years." Mina says.

"Sure. Of course you can." Jimin said in his husky voice, making Mina gulped.

"Oh my god, sorry if he made you uncomfortable. He's always like this. Sit with us!" Jihyo smiles.


While they was busy talking, Jihyo excuses herself tk goes to the restroom.

"Hello, Jihyo. It's have been a years we last met." She hear Jin says.

But she didn't bother to turn around.

"What are you doing here?"

"I really want to have a private talk with you."

"Well, I don't. Now excuse me."

"No. Please, let's talk. I will told Mina to wait me after we have a talk."

"No, I don't want! I don't believe Jimin."

"It's okay, Mina knows how to take care herself."

"I said I don't want."

"Please. Let me explain." Jin begged. She had tired of it so she just nodded.

"Ah.. Okay." Mina smiles.

"You. Don't do anything stupid or I will kill you." Jihyo point at Jimin.

He smirked, "I'm not eating her."


"And what kind of private talk we gonna have here?" Jihyo feels annoyed.

"About last year. We─"

"Jin, there's legit no we. The old us that you want to talk about is gone. You're the one who started it." Jihyo said.

"It's and accident, Jihyo! Why would I cheated on you when I love you?"

"Tsk, you loved me, Jin. First, you tried to make me jealous by hugging her and second, you kissed her instead of me and third, you're the one who asking us to break up."

"So, there's no space for me to listen to your stupid explanation." Jihyo added.

"Jihyo, you're really changed. You never been this rude." Jin slowly said.

"Well, I'm the new Park Jihyo now. Andd just saying, the old me never come back after what she been through."

She walk away, but he holds her. "Please forgive me."

"You doesn't deserve my forgiveness, Jin! Just go fuck off and never finme again cause I never planned to sees you after we broke up! The old us isn't here and never be here!" Jihyo shout, harshly take her wrist.

But here's the stubborn Jin, he pulled her again and the time now, they kissed.

Their lips can't deny that they still love each other.

"I know, I did wrong but please forgive me. I want the old us."

"Fuck off. I told you. The old us never gonna be here."

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