Chapter 10:Draco- Of Course I Care

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  Draco watched Harry stalk away. He'd regretted his outburst as soon as the words had erupted from his mouth in a catastrophic torrent. Oh, he was so stupid.
  He had felt himself starting to trust Ha-Potter. And, as usual, as soon as he thought he might have someone there for him, he pushed them away. He always pushed everyone so far away as soon as they got too close.
  He knew it was no use to go after the other boy, or, at least, that's what he told himself. Potter wouldn't want to talk him. He wouldn't even want to see him. 
  Draco went back to his seat and stared listlessly out of the window. He knew what was coming back at Hogwarts. Exactly what he'd thought he was about to face when he arrived, before this blasted train ride. Endless hatred and taunting from everyone, especially the Golden Trio.
  Now he'd let the boy with the raven hair see him cry. Now the other boy had seen his weakness. His father would be so disappointed. So angry. He could almost hear him now. A Malfoy is not weak. A Malfoy does not show it when he is. A Malfoy does not have friends, only beneficial assets. A Malfoy does not cry.
  He would never make his father proud. He didn't know why he was still trying. Lucius was in Azkaban. He couldn't hurt him anymore. But the threats and the fear still lingered in his head. His muscles and nerves still remembered the pain.
  But no, he would not think about those things ever again. He would not relive those feelings, would not go through that pain again. No one would ever make him suffer like that ever again.
  Suddenly there was a loud screeching sound, and Draco was pulled from his thoughts. The train was slowing, and he knew that they were here. He felt  panic rising and tried to fight it down. He stood and paced the floor.
  What would he do? How could he face these people who hated him, mocked him, blamed him?
  He leaned against the wall, sliding slowly to the floor. He was suddenly glad he hadn't eaten anything, because he was sure that if he had, he would have thrown it up. He started shaking again.
  This was, what, his third breakdown today? He had to pull himself together. He couldn't fall all the way apart; he wasn't sure if he could put himself together again if he did.
  Draco turned his head so his cheek rested on the cool metal of the wall. He focused on the feeling, trying to center himself again, to calm down, but it wasn't working. He still felt like crying and all he wanted was to disappear.
  He closed his eyes and sat, listening to the footsteps outside the door, until he was left in silence. Everyone was off the train now. It was safe, he could leave the compartment now without anyone seeing him.
  Draco stood up slowly and walked to the door. He peered out into the hallway before exiting, making sure he was really alone.
  After grabbing his luggage from the overhead rack, he made his way to the front of the train.  
  However, before he could get very far, he heard a strange choking sound coming from a compartment to his right. He set his trunk down and looked into the space.
  Harry- no, Potter- was sitting in the corner, sobbing. He had blood running down his arm, and something sharp and metal glinted in his hand. Tears ran down his cheeks, and his eyes were the same color as the blood on his wrist.
  Draco dropped the book he was holding, and, forgetting what had happened only moments ago, rushed to Harry's side.
  Harry didn't seem to notice his presence. He didn't really seem to notice anything. He just sat there, sobs racking his body, looking as though his soul was crumbling. Draco took his hand gently, unwrapping his fingers from the knife.
  After Draco sat the blade aside, he looked back at the other boy, who seemed to realize he was there for the first time. Harry's face went very pale, his eyes went wide, and he pressed himself back against the wall. He started to pull away, but Draco held his arm still.
  "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. I'm sorry. Please don't hate me," Harry choked out. He began breathing very quickly, but before his panic could escalate, Draco started talking to keep him calm.
  "Shh. Calm down. It's okay. Everything's going to be okay. I don't hate you. You didn't do anything wrong." He murmured softly until Harry relaxed slightly.
  Draco took his hand again, gently this time, and began cleaning off the blood with his robes. Harry sat and watched him, without objecting or pulling away. Draco listened carefully, and he could hear the other boy's breathing slowing down, becoming more regular. When he was finished, Harry asked quietly, "Why are you here? I thought you didn't care."
  Draco ignored the odd, protective feeling that came with hearing the green-eyed boy sound so vulnerable. He still wasn't sure what was going on with him. Why was he here? And, more importantly, why did he suddenly care if Harry was okay or not?
  He pushed these thoughts away hastily. No, he didn't care. He just didn't want to be the same, awful person he'd been before. "Well, I do. I'm not that heartless. No one should just walk away when they see something like this." And with that, he stood up and walked away.

Author's Notes: Sorry for the super short chapters, and sorry i haven't updated in a while. Stuff's been going on. Anyway, I'm going to try to be more active, and I'm going to try writing some chapters in first-person. Hope you enjoy. Byyyeeee!

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