Chapter 17: Dorms

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Previously: I smile to myself a little and readjust my position so that I'm more comfortable, ready to sit with him until he wakes up.

*time skip, about an hour later*

Draco's P.O.V.
Its been about an hour since Harry drifted into a fitful sleep, and he has yet to awake.
Every now and then he lets out a little whimper, or kicks and thrashes for a minute, or yells, and twice hes started crying, but I've stopped trying to wake him up. It doesn't work.
He'll wake up on his own when he's ready. I don't know how long that will be, but I'm not leaving him.

After another thirty minutes, I can tell it's about 11 pm, and I know we should head back. Just as that thought crosses my mind, i hear a clanging on the metal stairs, and look up to find Professor McGonagall standing there, catching her breath from the long climb up here.
"There you are. I have been looking high and low for the two of you." She sounds slightly annoyed, most likely from us causing such an inconvenience.
She looks down and seems to notice for the first time that Harry is asleep.
"Wake Mr. Potter and both of you come with me, it's time to get your dorm assignments and head to bed."
I lean over and shake the sleeping boy on the ground, who groans in response and, surprisingly, cracks an eye open.
Upon seeing McGonagall, he bolts upright and looks over at me, panic filling his eyes. It takes me a second to figure out why he's upset, but then I realize. He thinks i told the headmaster about what he tried to do.
I shake my head, just a little bit so that only he sees, and he visibly relaxes.
"We're going to get our dorm assignments now, so you've gotta get up." I explain quietly.
He nods and stands up, smiling at the older witch that is still standing at the top of the stairs. Once he's on his feet, she starts back down them, not looking to see if we're following.
I glance over at the black haired boy next to me as we start walking. He's staring at the ground, refusing to look up. I notice the fact that he's shaking slightly and wringing his hands. His nails are digging into his skin, and if he holds on any tighter, they're going to break the skin.
In an attempt to comfort him, without even thinking about what I'm doing, I take his hand and pull it off the other, keeping it firmly in my grasp. He looks startled and tenses up, trying half-heartedly to pull away. I don't let go, and he doesn't seem too bothered by the contact, despite his feeble attempt to escape.
Of course I'm not holding his hand, like in that way, I'm just trying to keep him from hurting himself. At least, that's what I'm telling myself, fully knowing that its a lie.
We must have reached out destination while I wasn't paying attention, because we have now come to a stop in front of...a wall? I look to our professor, only to find her staring back at me. She glances and mine and Harry's hands, our fingers still intertwined, and raises a brow.
I can feel my face heat up, and i quickly drop his hand, keeping my eyes on the ground and praying that Harry doesn't notice my flaming cheeks.
"Now. To get to the eighth year common room and dormitories, pace three times in front of this wall, then say the password, titillandus, when the door appears."
She demonstrates the actions, and, sure enough, a door appears in the wall, and unlocks. After opening the heavy-looking oak door, she ushers us inside, following and shutting the door beside us.
Once we're in the common room, i glance around, taking in the red, green, yellow, and blue decorations. Each house seems to have a corner if the common area, though the center, around the largest couches and the fireplace, appears neutral. There are four staircases, each draped with a banner with one of the four house crests on it, leading upwards, presumably leading to the dorms.
I notice that the other eight years are lined up against one wall, and, as usual, more than a few are glaring at me. I look down as I move to join them, sticking to the edge of the group. Surprisingly, Harry follows me, sticking close to my side, not looking up. However, there is still a nearly tangible tension between us, and it's making things rather akward. That, added to my newly discovered feelings for him, are making me hope desperately that he isn't my roommate.
McGonagall clears her throat, and the room falls silent as everyone waits to hear the names she calls. I tune out, only hearing one pair every now and then, such as, "Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle," and, "Pansy Parkinson and Millicent Bullstrode." Then I hear my name and hold my breath.
"Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter."
My heart drops into my stomach as I think of how this year will go. Having to hide my feelings from him, having to keep my facade of not caring, of hostility, of being the same as before, on constantly, not even being able to drop the act after classes. Its going to be pure hell.
And what if he notices all the things going in with me? What will happen then?
I shoot a glance in Harry's direction, to see that he seems unphased, other than the now ghostly white tint of his skin.
I don't hear anything else after that, as my ears start ringing and I start breathing quickly. My vision is getting hazy, and i quickly realize what's happening. I'm having a panic attack, in front of everyone.
4, 7, 8, 4, 7, 8 I count as i breathe in, then hold it, then let it out, slowly bringing my breaths and heart rate back to normal.
I hear the headmaster say that our luggage is already in our dorms, and that we should go change and then sleep.
I watch as Harry walks to the staircase with the Slytherin crest and slowly ascends, still looking down.
Once everyone else is gone, I sit down on the largest leather sofa, directly across from the blazing fire. I push my back against the armrest, bringing my knees up halfway to my chest. Resting my arms on my knees, I lean forwards and stare at my own hands, quickly losing track of time. I look up what feels like a few minutes later, only to find, after checking the time, that three hours have passed.
Sighing, I give up on the idea of sleep and just sit in the same position, staring off at my own fingers, not thinking or feeling or seeing anything.

A/N: Okay, so, one, again, apologies for the late update. School just started back and that's been taking up quite a bit of time, plus dealing with some mental shit is making it kinda hard to write this. I'm not giving up on it tho, so don't worry. Also, i have a couple questions. One: do you guys want more of Harry's POV? I know I've been writing mostly from Draco's perspective, and i just wondered if you guys think I should change that a little. Two: are there any of you that are My Hero Academia fans? If so, do you think I should try write a MHA fanfiction? It would either be Todobaku, Tododeku, or Kiribaku. Or maybe shinkami, although that would be less likely. (Yes, I'm a multishipper, deal with it.) Anyways, if you read this long ass AN, then thanks, just leave ypur opinions in the comments.

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