Chapter 20:

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Draco's POV
  "I-I'm sorry I sh-should just go," he stutters, back towards the stairs again and turning to leave. I consider letting him go, not saying anything, just sitting alone for the rest of the night like i had planned, but I can't. As much as I want to keep my feelings a secret, i can't pass up the chance to talk to him, just the two of us.
  "No, it's fine. It's...kind of lonely down here anyways. You can stay...i-if you want to, that is..." I trail off, waiting for him to respond. To my surprise, he doesn't even hesitate.
  "Sure. It's a little too quiet upstairs." He smiles shyly and walks over to the couch, sitting close to me, but not too close.
  Even though I can probably guess the answer, I decide to ask the first question that pops into my head. "What are you doing up at...," I pause to check the clock, " 3:45 am?"
  "Nightmares, same as any other night." He looks down at his hands, which are in his lap.
  His answer is what I expected, but I still feel bad. I wish things were different.
  I wish a lot of things were different, but especially the way things are for him. He saved everyone, and yet he has to deal with and survive the same hell every day as me, the one who contributed to...everything. All of it. Every. Fucking. Thing.
  I deserve this, I know I do, but him? He doesn't deserve any of it. He deserves the world, and he has it, just a twisted, dark, fucked up, terrible version if it.
  "What about you? Why are you still out here and wide awake so early?"
  I feel kind of guilty for not coming to the dorm room, but I don't really have a reason that I can give him.
  "I just couldn't sleep and didn't want to bother you, so I stayed out here. I'm sorry..." I hope he's not mad at me. Also I wonder what the room looks like, since I haven't seen it yet.
  "It's fine! Don't worry about it. Why don't we go up to our room to continue this, since you haven't even seen it yet," he suggests, seeming to read my mind. I agree, and we make our way towards the stairs.
  Once we get to our door, Harry motions for me to go in first. I twist the knob and push the door open, and I give a small smile at what I see inside. It's not big, but it isn't small either, and even just looking at the room from the doorway feels...comfortable, homey, nice.
  Harry's trunk is at the foot of one of the beds, open, with his clothes and belonging packed nearly inside. My trunk is at the end of the other, still closed. Walking over to it, I kneel down, pulling out a pair of green and silver silk pajamas. I go to our bathroom that is connected to our room, shutting the door behind me.

A/N: Okay, so I know this chapter was super short and cut off in a really weird place, but I was having a really hard time coming up with what to write for this one. Hopefully the next chapter will be better since I'll have more time to come up with where I want to take the plot, but for now this is mostly a filler chapter. Thanks for the patience to anyone who's still reading this story, it really means a lot :) Bye!

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