Chapter 24: Morning

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Harry's POV
  The graveyard from fourth year swims into view. I can make out a large group of figures, among which are thirteen Death Eaters in dark hoods, plus almost a dozen others. The Dark Lord's followers are standing in a circle, surrounding the other people. 

  I creep forwards, ducking behind large statues and headstones, trying to get a better look. Suddenly, a stick snaps underfoot and someone in the center of the group turns around. I can see his face now, from the grey skin to the flat nose to the red, snake-like eyes. 

  "Ah! Mr. Potter! Why don't you join us?" His familiar voice sends chills down my spine, but I walk to the center of the circle anyways, to where Voldemort and the other people are. Now that I am closer, I can distinguish their familiar faces. 

  With me in the circle are my mom, my dad, Remus, Sirius, Tonks, Dumbledore, Dobby, Fred, Snape, and Cedric. Their hands are bound their backs, their faces streaked with grime, tears and blood. Overhead, a snowy owl is circling lazily, and I know that it's Hedwig, even though she isn't the only snowy owl in the world. As I stare around at their despairing expressions, I hear a chuckle from beside me.

  "You've come just in time for the show, Potter. Why don't you stand over there and watch?" Voldemort gestures to a spot about twenty feet away, and my feet start moving towards it without my consent. I can't move anything of my own will, as though I'm only a passenger in my body. 

  As I stand near the edge of the circle, the Dark Lord takes out his wand, pointing it at my mother. 

  "Are you watching, Potter?" Without waiting for an answer, which I couldn't have given anyways, since I couldn't speak, he shouts, "Crucio!" There's a flash of light, and my mum falls to the ground, screaming. Her long red hair fans out over the grass as she writhes in pain. I try to shout, to run to her, to do something, but all I can do is watch. After about five minutes, Voldemort seems to grow bored, and kills her with a simple flick of his wand and a flash of green light.

  "What a wonderful hero he is," he declares to everyone in the graveyard, "he who watches his mother cry out in pain and die, and yet does nothing. Tell me, Potter, why didn't you help her? Why didn't save her? Where has your Gryffindor courage gone now? Are you really so cowardly and weak that you cannot save those that are dear to you?" 

  I try to scream at him, to deny it, but I can't. Maybe that's because I know he's right. He continues on, repeating the same process of torturing then killing everyone in the circle, before at last shooting a bolt of green light up into the air, causing Hedwig's body to fall to the earth with a solid thump. 

  "No, no, please no…" I sob internally, but on the outside my expression remains stoic, only a single tear escaping the corner of my eye. 

  "And now, 'Boy Who Lived,' it is finally your turn." There's a bright flash of green, and I scream.

  I sit bolt upright, panting and shaking slightly. I'm sweating profusely, causing my hair to stick to the back of my neck and plaster itself to my forehead. I squeeze my eyes shut tightly as the nightmare comes slowly back to me, every detail filling in gradually.
  Once I regain enough of my composure to open my eyes again, a quick glance around the room and out the window tells me that it's about 5:00 a.m., which is a huge improvement. Usually I wake up around 2:00 a.m. and stay awake. I'm very grateful for the extra sleep though, today especially, since it's our first day of classes.
  I get up, swinging my legs out of my bed, my feet hitting the soft green carpet mat beside it. After I yawn and stretch, I go to wake Draco, which is when I realize that he isn't there. The bathroom door is closed, I notice, so I assume that's where he is.
  Dressing quickly I threw on my robes but abandoned the idea of wearing the tie, since it was Slytherin colors. I don't hate my new house, I just hate how people act around me now, and I don't want to appear any more Slytherin-esque that I already do.  
  By the time I'm done dressing, Draco still hasn't emerged from the bathroom, so I knock on the door a couple of times.
  "Draco, are you in there?" I call. In response, I hear him stirring slightly inside and a quizzical grunt. "We're going to be late to breakfast if you don't hurry." I hear him moving about some more before he suddenly stops and groans.
  "Oh shit. We've got classes today. I forgot."
  "Are you almost done in there?" I'm getting a little impatient, since I need time to brush my hair and teeth. I showered last night, so that's some time that I don't need now, but I still need the bathroom.
  "Uh...almost," he mutters, and once again he starts moving, "Just give me one second." A moment later he emerges, looking rumpled and tired, with terribly noticable bags under his eyes. His hair's a mess and he's still wearing the clothes he had on yesterday. He looks like death personified, and honestly it's a little scary.
  I can't help but ask him, "Did you spend the night in there?" He denies it very quickly, but I take note of the fact that he's shivering violently, and his cheek is marked with the imprint of the tile pattern on the bathroom floor. "I think that's a lie. I can see the tile print on your face y'know." His pale hand drifts up to his face subconciously to cover the marks and his sleeve slips down a bit, enough for me to catch a glimpse of something. It looks like– but no. He hasn't. He wouldn't. I'm not saying he seems fine, he doesn't, but I don't think it's come back to this yet. Has it?
  Before I can get a better look at his arm, he drops his hand back to his side. "F-fine, maybe I did. I just felt a little sick last night and ended up throwing up, then afterwards I laid down in the floor and fell asleep."
  My mother hen mode kicks in immediately when he says he's sick. "Are you okay? If you're sick you should skip classes today and take time to get better. I can go get you some breakfa–"
  Chuckling, Draco says, "Harry. I'm fine. I'm sure it's just a 24 hour kind of thing; I'm probably over it by now. I'm going to class." I still feel a little skeptical, but he seems okay now, so I ignore it.
  Slipping past him, I go into the bathroom, shut the door, and start getting ready. I rake a comb through my hair, although, predictably, it doesn't help much to tame its wildness. After brushing my teeth and putting on some deodorant, I cast a glamour over myself to make me look less thin, less pale, less skeletal, and of course, to cover up the scars. As soon as I'm finished, I open the door and let the blonde, who had been waiting at the end of his bed, have his turn.
  It only takes a couple minutes until he's done, and one thing that sticks out to me when he reenters the room is that his hair isn't gelled back or styled like he used to keep it. Instead, it falls softly over his right eye a bit, casting wispy shadows on his high cheekbones.
  "Take a photo, it'll last longer," Draco mumbles, a light red color dusting his face. Embarrassed, I look away quickly, feeling the blood rush to my cheeks, before looking back up and sticking my tongue out at him.
  "Oh hush Ferret," I tease, and I'm gratified to see him redden again before turning away to gather his belongings.
  He then remarked, "We should head down to the Great Hall now if you want to eat anything before class," and walked to the door, pausing only briefly so I can join him.

IMPORTANT!- The dream written in the beginning IS the same as the dream in chapter four of A Beautiful Beginning. However, it is not plagiarism because I wrote that chapter of that story, so I am only borrowing my own words, no one else's. I just wanted to make sure that everyone was aware of this so there was no misunderstanding.

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